Ali Moradzadeh


Update: 2025-03-05

Ali Moradzadeh

College of Engineering / Mining Engineering

Journal Paper

  1. "A novel approach for integrating spatial data in gold prospectivity mapping using a modified TODIM method, a case study: Basiran-Mokhtaran - Eastern Iran"
    Hossein Ferdosi, Abbas Bahrodi, Ali Moradzadeh, Maysam Abedi
  2. "Pore size classification and prediction based on distribution of reservoir fluid volumes utilizing well logs and deep learning algorithm in a complex lithology"
    Hassan Bagheri, Reza Mohebian, Ali Moradzadeh, Behnia Azizzadeh Mehmandost Olya
    Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences, Vol. 5, 2024
  3. "Novel approaches in geomechanical parameter estimation using machine learning methods and conventional well logs"
    Farhad Molaiy, Ali Moradzadeh, Reza Mohebian
    Geosystem Engineering, Vol. -, 2024
    Farhad Molaiy, Ali Moradzadeh, Reza Mohebian
    Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment, Vol. 2024, No 1, 2024
  5. "TOPSIS vs MIO: Applications to gold prospectivity mapping; a case study of the Basiran-Mokhtaran area- eastern Iran"
    Hosein Ferdowsi, Abbas Bahrodi, Ali Moradzadeh, Maysam Abedi
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 58, No 1, pp.1-19, 2023
  6. "Estimation of porosity and volume of shale using artificial intelligence, case study of Kashafrud Gas Reservoir, NE Iran"
    Pooya Naghizadeh Ardebili, Golnaz Jozanikohan, Ali Moradzadeh
    Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, Vol. 13, No 12, 2023
  7. "Exploring Geothermal Potential through Multi-Modal Geophysical Data Integration: Gravity, Magnetic, and Magnetotelluric Prospecting"
    Ahmad Afshar, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Ali Moradzadeh
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 57, No 4, pp.427-434, 2023
  8. "3D inverse modeling of electrical resistivity and chargeability data through unstructured meshing, a case study for travertine exploration."
    Mohammad Ali Talebi, Seyed Hossein Hosseini, Maysam Abedi, Ali Moradzadeh
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 2, No 57, pp.131-140, 2023
  9. "3D inversion of magnetic data using Lanczos bidiagonalization and unstructured element"
    Khatereh Danaei, Ali Moradzadeh, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Maysam Abedi
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 57, No 1, pp.89-99, 2023
  10. "3D inversion of gravity data with unstructured mesh and least-squares QR-factorization (LSQR)"
    Khaterh Danaie, Ali Moradzadeh, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Richard Smith, Maysam Abedi, Hossein Jodeiri Akbari Fam
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 206, No 104781, 2022
  11. "Experimental investigation of the controversial effects of a cationic surfactant with brine on spontaneous imbibition of an asphaltenic crude oil"
    Ehsan Shahbazi, Ali Moradzadeh, Sabber Khandoozi, Masoud Riazi
    JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, Vol. 362, No 8, 2022
  12. "Geoelectrical modeling of travertine rocks beneath a rough topographical relief using structured and unstructured meshes"
    Mohammadali Talebi, Maysam Abedi, Ali Moradzadeh
    Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica, Vol. 57, No 2, pp.351-372, 2022
  13. "Optimal selection of regularization parameter in magnetotelluric data inversion"
    Aref Zainalpour, Gholamreza Kamali, Ali Moradzadeh
    Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica, Vol. 57, No 2, pp.245-263, 2022
  14. "An effective estimate for selecting the regularization parameter in the 3D inversion of magnetotelluric data"
    Reza Ghaedrahmati, Ali Moradzadeh, Farzad Moradpouri
    Acta Geophysica, Vol. 70, No 2, pp.609-621, 2022
  15. "Improving the classification of facies quality in tight sands by perophysical logs"
    Yousef Asgari Nezhad, Ali Moradzadeh
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 55, No 2, pp.183-190, 2021
    ABOLFAZL KHAN MOHAMMADI, Reza Mohebian, Ali Moradzadeh
  17. "Characterization of source quality based on petrophysical logs and seismic data—a case study from Western Australia"
    Yousef Asgarinezhad, Ali Moradzadeh
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 14, No 13, 2021
  18. "A simple but efficient non-linear method for 2D inversion of magnetic field data based on Ridge-Regression algorithm"
    Ali Moradzadeh, Ali Nejati Kalateh, Saeed Mojarad, Fuad Meysami
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 55, No 1, pp.71-77, 2021
  19. "Facies Quality Zoning in Shale Gas by Deep Learning Method"
    Yousef Asgari Nezhad, Ali Moradzadeh
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. 12, No 1, pp.271-280, 2021
  20. "Rock physical modeling enhancement in hydrocarbon reservoirs using Choquet fuzzy integral fusion approach"
    Hamid Sefi, Behzad Tokhmchi, Ali Moradzadeh
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 54, No 2, pp.101-108, 2020
  21. "Full unmixing hydrothermal alteration minerals mapping by integration of pattern recognition network and directed matched filtering algorithm"
    Hosein Fereydooni, Ali Moradzadeh, Parham Pahlavani, Saeed Mojeddifar
    Earth Science Informatics, Vol. 10, No 40, pp.745-755, 2020
  22. "Improved Estimation of Shear-Wave Velocity by Ordered Weighted Averaging of Rock Physics Models in a Carbonate Reservoir"
    Hamid Sefi, Behzad Tokhmchi, Ali Moradzadeh
    Natural Resources Research, Vol. 28, No 5, 2019
  23. "Determining the gas and oil contact through wavelet analysis on nuclear magnetic resonance log data"
    Mohammad Heidary, Ezzatallah Kazemzadeh, Ali Moradzadeh, mohammad ali mirbagheri
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 168, No 3, pp.79-89, 2019
  24. "Experimental investigation of changes in petrophysical properties and structural deformation of carbonate reservoirs"
    Yaser Salimidelshad, Ali Moradzadeh, Ezzatollah Kazemzadeh, Peyman Pourafshari, Abbas Majdi
    Petroleum Exploration and Development, Vol. 46, No 3, pp.565-575, 2019
  25. "Effect of hysteresis on petrophysical properties of limestone hydrocarbon reservoir rock"
    Yaser Salimidelshad, Ali Moradzadeh, Ezzatallah Kazemzadeh, Peyman Pourafshari, Abbas Majdi
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 177, No 2, pp.745-755, 2019
  26. "Improved identification of pay zones in complex environments through wavelet analysis on nuclear magnetic resonance log data"
    Mohammad Heidary, Ezzatallah Kazemzadeh, Ali Moradzadeh, Alimohammad Bagheri
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 172, No 1, pp.465-476, 2019
  27. "Application of magnetic and gravity methods to the exploration of sodium sulfateh deposits, case study: Garmab mine, Semnan, Iran"
    Ahmad Afshar, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Ali Moradzadeh, Mohammad Ali Riahi
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 159, No 1, pp.586-596, 2018
  28. "Application of magnetic and gravity methods to the exploration of sulfate deposits, case study: Garmab mine, Semnan,Iran"
    [] [], Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Ali Moradzadeh, Mohammad Ali Riahi
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 159, No 18, pp.586-596, 2018
  29. "A new approach to evaluate Organic Geochemistry Parameters by geostatistical methods: A case study from western Australia"
    Yousef Asgari Nezhad, Ali Moradzadeh, Mohammad Reza Kamali
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 169, No 2, pp.813-824, 2018
  30. "Improving reservoir rock classification in heterogeneous carbonates using boosting and bagging strategies: A case study of early Triassic carbonates of coastal Fars, south Iran"
    Javad Ghiasi-freez, Mansoor Ziaii, Ali Moradzadeh
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. 9, No 4, pp.839-855, 2018
  31. "Investigating the contribution of different sizes of pore spaces to the permeability of heterogeneous carbonate rocks using Markov Chain Monte Carlo and lattice-Boltzmann simulation"
    Javad Ghiasi-freez, Mansoor Ziaii, Ali Moradzadeh
    Geosystem Engineering, Vol. 65, No 19, pp.1-14, 2018
  32. "An improved 3D joint inversion method of potential field data using cross-gradient constraint and LSQR method"
    Farshad Joulidehsar, Ali Moradzadeh, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani
    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.1-1, 2018
  33. "ASTER Spectral Analysis for Host Rock Associated with Porphyry Copper-molybdenum Mineralization"
    Hamid Sabbaghi, Ali Moradzadeh
    JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA, Vol. 91, No 5, pp.627-638, 2018
  34. "An improvement in wavefield extrapolation and imaging condition to suppress reverse time migration artifacts"
    Farzad Moradpouri, Ali Moradzadeh, Reynam Cruz Pestana, Reza Ghaedrahmati, Mehrdad Soleimani Monfared
    GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 82, No 6, 2017
  35. "An improvement in RTM method to image steep dip petroleum bearing structures and its superiority to other methods"
    Farzad Moradpouri, Ali Moradzadeh, Reynam Cruz Pestana, Mehrdad Soleimani Monfared
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. Vol.8, pp.573-578, 2017
  36. "A new stochastic 3D seismic inversion using direct sequential simulation and co-simulation in a genetic algorithm framework"
    Hamid Sabeti, Ali Moradzadeh, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Amilkar Soares
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. 8, No 3, pp.321-335, 2017
  37. "3D modelling of Trompsburg Complex (in South Africa) using 3D focusing inversion of gravity data"
    Mohammad Rezaie, Ali Moradzadeh, Ali Nejati Kalate, Hamid Aghajani, Amin Roshandel Kahoo, Sahar Moazam
    JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCES, Vol. 130, No 7, pp.1-7, 2017
  38. "Geostatistical seismic inversion for non-stationary patterns using direct sequential simulation and co-simulation"
    Hamid Sabeti, Ali Moradzadeh, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Leonardo Azevedo, Amilcar Soares, Pedro Pereira, Ruben Nunes
    GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING, Vol. 65, pp.25-48, 2017
  39. "3D gravity data-space inversion with sparseness and bound constraints"
    Mohammad Rezaie, Ali Moradzadeh, Ali Nejati Kalateh
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. 8, No 2, pp.227-235, 2017
  40. "Geoeconomics of fluorspar as strategic and critical mineral in Iran"
    Masoud Masoudi, Ezzat Allah Ezzati, Nemat Allah Rashidnejad Omran, Ali Moradzadeh
    RESOURCES POLICY, Vol. 1, No 52, pp.100-106, 2017
  41. "Curie Point Depth, Geothermal Gradient and Heat-Flow Estimation and Geothermal Anomaly Exploration from Integrated Analysis of Aeromagnetic and Gravity Data on the Sabalan Area, NW Iran"
    Ahmad Afshar, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Ali Moradzadeh, Mohammad Ali Riahi, Soheil Porkhial
    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 1, No 174, pp.1133-1152, 2017
  42. "Fast 3D Focusing Inversion of Gravity Data Using Reweighted Regularized Lanczos Bidiagonalization Method"
    Mohamad Rezaee, Ali Moradzadeh, Ali Nejati Kalateh, Hamid Aghajani
    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 174, No 1, pp.359-374, 2017
  43. "Determining the fractal parameter and depth of magnetic sources of Ardabil geothermal area from aeromagnetic data using the de-fractal approach"
    Allahyar Khojamli, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Ali Moradzadeh, Ali Nejati Kalate, Amin Roshandel Kahoo, Soheil Porkhial
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. 8, No 1, pp.93-101, 2017
  44. "Curie Point Depth, Geothermal Gradient and Heat-Flew Estimation and Geothermal Anomaly Exploration from Integrated Analysis of Aeromagnetic and Gravity Data on the Sabalan Area, NW Iran"
    Ahmad Afshar, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Mohammad Ali Riahi, Ali Moradzadeh, saeid PourKhial
    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 174, No 3, pp.1133-1152, 2016
  45. "Fast 3D inversion of gravity data using solution space priorconditioned lanczos bidiagonalization"
    Mohammad Rezaie, Ali Moradzadeh, Ali Nejati Kalateh
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 136, No 136, 2016
  46. "Seismic Reverse Time Migration Using A New Wave-Field Extrapolator and a New Imaging Condition"
    Farzad Moradpouri, Ali Moradzadeh, Reynam Cruz Pestana, Mehrdad Soleimani Monfared
    Acta Geophysica, Vol. 64, No 5, pp.1673-1690, 2016
  47. "Estimation of Curie point depths and heat flow from Ardebil province, Iran, using aeromagnetic data"
    Allahyar Khojamli, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Ali Moradzadeh, Ali Nejati Kalateh, Amin Roshandel Kahoo, Soheil Porkhial
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 9, No 5, pp.1-11, 2016
  48. "A simple form of MT impedance tensor analysis to simplify its decomposition to remove the effects of near surface small scale 3-D conductivity structures"
    Ali Moradzadeh
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 9, No 5, pp.40-56, 2016
  49. "Predicting pyrite oxidation and multi-component reactive transport processes from an abandoned coal waste pile by comparing 2D numerical modeling and 3D geo-electrical inversion"
    Behshad Jodeiri Shokri, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Hamidreza Ramazi, Ali Moradzadeh
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY, Vol. 164, No 2016, pp.13-24, 2016
  50. "Dimensionality analysis of subsurface structures in magnetotellurics using different methods(a case study: oil field in Southwest of Iran)"
    Mohammad Filbandi Kashkouli, Abolghasem Kamkar Rouhani, Ali Moradzadeh, Hamid Assi
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. 7, No 1, pp.119-126, 2016
  51. "Mapping the flow pathways and contaminants transportation around a coal washing plant using geophysical VLF-EM, geo-electrical and IP techniques - A case study, NE Iran"
    Behshad Jodeiri Shokri, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Ali Moradzadeh
    Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 75, No 1, pp.1-13, 2016
  52. "Shear Wave Splitting Analysis to Estimate Fracture Orientation and Frequency Dependent Anisotropy"
    رئوف غلامی , Ali Moradzadeh, Vamegh Rasouli, Javad Hananchi
    Acta Geophysica, Vol. 64, No 1, pp.87-96, 2016
  53. "CFD simulation of Rheological model effect on cutting transport"
    Reza Rooki, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Ali Moradzadeh, Mahmood Norouzi
  54. "Applications of artificial intelligence methods in prediction of permeability in hydrocarbon reservoirs"
    رئوف غلامی , Ali Moradzadeh, Shahoo Maleki, Saman Amiri, Javad Hananchi
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 122, No 6, pp.643-656, 2014
  55. "A new approach to determine geomechanical parameters of vertical transverse isotropic media using VSP data"
    Raof Gholami, Ali Moradzadeh, Vamegh Rasouli, Javad Hananchi
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 111, No 3, pp.183-202, 2014
  56. "comparison of different failure criteria in prediction of safe mud weigh window in drilling practice"
    Shahoo Maleki , Raof Gholami, وامق رسولی, Ali Moradzadeh, Reza Ghavami Riabi
    EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS, Vol. 136, No 3, pp.36-58, 2014
  57. "Shear wave velocity prediction using seismic attributes and well log data"
    Raof Gholami, Ali Moradzadeh, Vamegh Rasouli, Javad Hananchi
    Acta Geophysica, Vol. 62, No 4, pp.818-848, 2014
  58. "prediction of shear wave velocity using empirical correlations and artificial intelligence methods"
    Shahoo Maleki, Ali Moradzadeh, Reza Ghavami Riabi, رئوف غلامی , Farhad Sadaghzadeh
    NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics, Vol. 3, No 2, pp.70-81, 2014
  59. "Calculation of One-dimensional Forward Modelling of Helicopterborne Electromagnetic Data and a Sensitivity Matrix Using Fast Hankel Transforms"
    Abolfazl Asadian, Ali Moradzadeh, Alireza Arab-amiri, Ali Nejati Kalateh, Davood Rajabi
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 48, No 1, pp.1-9, 2014
  60. "A statistical model to relate pyrite oxidation and oxygen transport within a coal waste pile: case study, Alborz Sharghi, northeast of Iran"
    Behshad Jodeiri Shokri, Hamidreza Ramazi, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Ali Moradzadeh
    Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 71, No 11, pp.4693-4702, 2014
  61. "Improved Gassmann Velocity Equation to Determine the Effect of Pores Sizes in Carbonate Reservoirs Characterization"
    Andisheh Alimoradi, Ali Moradzadeh, Mohammad Reza Bakhtiari
    Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 2, No 6, pp.161-171, 2014
  62. "Practical application of failure criteria in determining safe mud weight windows in drilling operations"
    رئوف غلامی , Ali Moradzadeh, Vamegh Rasouli, Javad Hananchi
    Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 6, No 3, pp.13-25, 2014
  63. "Hole Cleaning Prediction in Foam Drilling Using Artificial Neural Network and Multiple Linear Regression"
    Reza Rooki, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Ali Moradzadeh
    Geomaterials, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.47-53, 2014
  64. "Simulation of cuttings transport with foam in deviated wellbores using computational fluid dynamics"
    Reza Rooki, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Ali Moradzadeh, Mohammad Nourozi
    Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.263-273, 2014
  65. "Integrated Time-lapse Geoelectrical-geochemical Investigation at a Reactive Coal Washing Waste Pile in Northeastern Iran"
    Behshad Jodeiri Shokri, Hamidreza Ramazi, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Ali Moradzadeh
    Mine Water and the Environment, Vol. 33, No 3, pp.256-265, 2014
  66. "Proposing a Deep Learning Algorithm for Estimating the Brittleness Index Using Conventional Log Data in the Asmari Formation of a Southwestern Iranian Oil Field"
    Farhad Mollaei, Reza Mohebian, Ali Moradzadeh
    Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 18, No 3, pp.341-364, 2024
  67. "Prediction of shear wave velocity using petrophysical logs and deep learning algorithms in a hydrocarbon field in Iran"
    Farhad Mollaei, Ali Moradzadeh, Reza Mohebian
    Advanced applied geology, Vol. 14, No 3, pp.656-670, 2024
  68. "Modeling of rock types using combination of core, well logs and seismic data: in a carbonate hydrocarbon reservoir in south west of Iran"
    Mahdi Kheirollahi, Golnaz Jozanikohan, Reza Mohebian, Ali Moradzadeh
    Journal of iran Petroleum Geology, Vol. 12, No 24, 2023
  69. "Identification of fractures in Kangan and Dalan formations using the integration of FMI log and seismic attributes"
    EHSAN GOLMOHAMMADI, Ali Moradzadeh, Abolfazl Abdollahipour, Reza Mohebian, شروین بهرامعلی اسدی
    journal of Petroleum Research, Vol. --, 2022
  70. "Geophysical modeling of time domain electromagnetic and potential field data in the Equity silver polymetallic deposit: British Columbia, Canada"
    Mehdi Mohamadi, Maysam Abedi, Ali Moradzadeh
    Applied Geophysical Research, Vol. 8, No 3, pp.213-228, 2022
  71. "Introduction of Two Data-Driven Methods for Determining the Quality of Gas Facies in Western Australia"
    Yousef Asgari Nezhad, Ali Moradzadeh
    Journal of Mineral Resources Engineering, Vol. 7, No 3, 2022
  72. "regularization parameter in inversion of MT data"
    Aref Zainalpour, Gholamreza Kamali, Ali Moradzadeh, محمد رضایی
    Applied Geophysical Research, Vol. 7, No 3, pp.253-265, 2021
  73. "Geophysical modeling of electrical resistivity and induced polarization data for building stone exploration, a case study: Atashkooh travertine"
    Mohammadali Talebi, Maysam Abedi, Ali Moradzadeh, Ahmad Afshar
    Applied Geophysical Research, Vol. -, 2021
  74. "Cross-gradient based 3D sparse joint inversion using smoothness constraint for gravity and magnetic data of Jalalabad Hematite ore"
    Farshad Zholidehsar, Ali Moradzadeh, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 15, No 49, pp.67-88, 2021
  75. "Laboratory studies with modified ABA method to evaluate the potential for pollution generation from the wastes of a sulfide deposite with carbonate host rock and comparison with mineralogical approach"
    Mehdi Zareh, Ali Moradzadeh, Abolghasem Kamkar Rouhani, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani
    Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 14, No 3, pp.431-456, 2021
  76. "Evaluation and comparison of Kuster-Toksoz and Xu-Payne rock physic modeling in an Iranian carbonate reservoir"
    Hamid Sefi, Behzad Tokhmchi, Ali Moradzadeh
    Applied Geophysical Research, Vol. 6, No 1, pp.167-180, 2021
  77. "Presentation of a fusion model derived from two rock physics models using sugeno fuzzy integral method in one of the southwestern oilfields of Iran"
    Hamid Sefi, Behzad Tochmechi, Ali Moradzadeh
    Journal of Aalytical and Numerical Methods in Mining Engineering, Vol. 10, No 23, pp.31-52, 2020
  78. "A New Approach to Estimate Cementation Exponent in Carbonate Reservoirs"
    Keyvan khayyer, Ali Moradzadeh, Behzad Tochmechi
    Journal of Aalytical and Numerical Methods in Mining Engineering, Vol. 9, No 21, pp.1-7, 2020
  79. "Comparison of Pore Pressure Prediction Using Conventional Seismic Velocity and Acoustic Impedance-Based Methods"
    Iraj Maddahi, Ali Moradzadeh, Ali Nejati Kalate
    journal of Petroleum Research, Vol. 29, No 109, pp.96-107, 2020
  80. "Application of data fusion methods of index overlay, Dempster Shafer and fuzzy AHP in geothermal resources potential mapping and their prioritization in Zanjan Province"
    Shokouh Riahi, Ali Moradzadeh, Parham Pahlavani, Ali Keshtdar
    Applied Geophysical Research, Vol. 6, No 1, pp.61-74, 2020
  81. "Pore pressure prediction using the seismic velocity produced by multi-attributes analysis in carbonate reservoirs"
    Iraj Maddahi, Ali Moradzadeh, Ali Nejati Kalate
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 14, No 45, pp.35-45, 2020
  82. "Effect of Hydrostatic Stress Loading on Petrophysical, Geomechanical and Structural Properties of Carbonate Reservoir Rock"
    Yaser Salimidelshad, Ali Moradzadeh, Ezzatallah Kazemzadeh, Peyman Pourafshari, Abbas Majdi
    journal of Petroleum Research, Vol. 28, No 108, pp.50-64, 2020
  83. "Classification of environmental geochemical data using discriminant analysis and neural network in carbonate-sulfide waste dumps of lead and zinc mines"
    Mehdi Zareh, Ali Moradzadeh, Abolghasem Kamkar Rouhani, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 14, No 44, pp.12-25, 2019
  84. "Fluid substitution and seismic forward modeling in one of the Iranian sandstone oil reservoirs"
    بهاره فریدونی, Ali Moradzadeh, Amin Roshandel Kahoo
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 13, No 1, pp.96-112, 2019
  85. "Application of GERT Network Planning in the Geostatistical Simulation Projects Management Structure – Case Study: Dali Cu-Au Porphyry Deposit"
    Sajjad Talesh Hosseini, Ali Moradzadeh, Omid Asghari
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 14, No 42, pp.32-46, 2019
  86. "Two dimensional sharp boundary inversion of MT data for identification of hydrocarbon structures in Gachsarn area"
    Shahab Alborzian, Ali Moradzadeh, Reza Ghaedrahmati, Ali Nejati Kalate, Mohammad Filbandi Kashkouli
    Advanced applied geology, Vol. 8, No 27, 2019
  87. "Effect of sequential pressure on petrophysical properties of carbonate reservoir rocks 2"
    Yaser Salimidelshad, Ali Moradzadeh, Ezatolah Kazemzadeh, Abbas Majdi
    Journal of iran Petroleum Geology, Vol. 8, No 19, pp.19-31, 2019
  88. "Effect of sequential pressure on petrophysical properties of carbonate reservoir rocks"
    Yaser Salimidelshad, Ali Moradzadeh, Ezzatallah Kazemzadeh, Abbas Majdi
    Journal of iran Petroleum Geology, Vol. 8, No 15, 2019
  89. "Exploration of geothermal resources using MT data in Bushi area- Sabalan, northwest of Iran"
    Aref Zainalpour, Reza Ghaedrahmati, Ali Moradzadeh, Mohammad Reza Rahmani
    Applied Geophysical Research, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.171-186, 2018
  90. "Automatic Estimation of Regularization Parameter by Unbiased Predictive Risk Estimator (UPRE) Method in 3-D Constrained Inversion of Magnetic Data"
    Mohammad Rezaie, Ali Moradzadeh, Ali Nejati Kalate, Hamid Aghajani
    Applied Geophysical Research, Vol. 3, No 2, pp.145-154, 2017
  91. "A new imaging condition based on poynting vectors in seismic reverse time migration (RTM) method"
    Farzad Moradpouri, Ali Moradzadeh, Mehrdad Soleimani Monfared, Reynam Cruz Pestana
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 11, No 33, pp.1-9, 2017
  92. "Improving methods of determining the parameters used to calculate permeability carbonate reservoirs by using Stonely waves"
    Keyvan Khayer, Ali Moradzadeh, Behzad Tokhmchi
    journal of Petroleum Research, Vol. 26, No 89, pp.165-174, 2017
  93. "3D geostatistical simulation of acoustic impedance using improved direct sequential simulation algorithm"
    Hamid Sabeti, Ali Moradzadeh, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Amilkar Soares
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 11, No 32, pp.87-107, 2016
  94. "Combined artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms in inverting the four-layer models of electrical soundings"
    Behshad Jodeiri Shokri, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Ali Moradzadeh, Rohollah Ahmadi
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 11, No 30, pp.93-104, 2016
  95. "Imaging OjatAbad iron ore using magnetic data"
    Mohammad Rezaie, Ali Moradzadeh, Hamid Aghajani, Ali Nejati Kalateh
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 10, No 1, pp.61-72, 2016
  96. "Spectral analysis of aeromagnetic data for exploration of geothermal potentials of east Azerbaijan province"
    Allahyar Khojamli, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Ali Moradzadeh, Ali Nejati Kalate, Soheil Porkhial, Mohammad Reza Rahmani
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 9, No 4, pp.94-103, 2016
  97. "A new formulation for extrapolation of seismic wave-field response and its derivative"
    Farzad Moradpouri, Ali Moradzadeh, Reynam Cruz Pestana, Mehrdad Soleimani Monfared
    journal of advanced mathematical modeling, Vol. 5, No 2, pp.47-55, 2016
  98. "A new numerical and analytical scheme to solve the full wave equation for seismic modeling based on REM and Leapfrog methods"
    Farzad Moradpouri, Ali Moradzadeh, Reynam Cruz Pestana, Mehrdad Soleimani Monfared
    Journal of Aalytical and Numerical Methods in Mining Engineering, Vol. 5, No 10, pp.41-48, 2015
  99. "prediction of sand production using well logs in one of the SE Iranian oil fields"
    Shahoo Maleki, Ali Moradzadeh, Reza Ghavami Riabi, Farhad Sadaghzadeh, Ramin Mohammadi
    journal of Petroleum Research, Vol. 25, No 84, pp.48-60, 2015
  100. "An assessment of the dimensionality of subsurface geoelectric structures and 1-D and 2-D inverse modelling of magnetotelluric data in NW of Sabalan geothermal region"
    Allahyar Khojamli, Ali Moradzadeh, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Soheil Porkhial, Mohammad Reza Rahmani
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 9, No 3, pp.30-44, 2015
  101. "Interpretation of the geothermal probable source in Sabalan area using 3-D inverse modeling of MT data"
    Reza Ghaedrahmati, Ali Moradzadeh, Nader Fatianpour
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 10, No 27, pp.25-34, 2015
  102. "Dimensionality of subsurface hydrocarbon structures using MT data"
    Shahab Alborzian, Ali Nejati Kalate, Ali Moradzadeh, Mehrdad Ayobi, Reza Ghaedrahmati
    journal of expoduction oil and gas, Vol. 12, No 125, pp.58-63, 2015
  103. "improvement of 2-D inversion of MT data using automatic selection methods for regularization parameter"
    Reza Ghaedrahmati, Ali Moradzadeh, Nader Fatianpour, Seong Kon Lee
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 9, No 1, pp.30-45, 2015
  104. "one and two dimensional interpretation of MT data for exploration of hydrocarbon structures"
    Shahab Alborzian, Ali Nejati Kalateh, Ali Moradzadeh, Mehrdad Ayobi, Reza Ghaedrahmati
    journal of expoduction oil and gas, Vol. 12, No 122, pp.40-45, 2015
  105. "investigation of permeability changes dut to CO2 injection in carbonate reservoires"
    Mohammad Reza Okhovat, Ali Moradzadeh, Behzad Rostami, Mahmood Hossieni
    journal of expoduction oil and gas, Vol. 12, No 125, pp.47-51, 2015
  106. "Application of Space-wavenumber analysis in magnetic exploration"
    Amin Roshandel Kahoo, Ali Nejati Kalate, Ali Moradzadeh, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 8, No 2, pp.81-91, 2014

Conference Paper

  1. "Application of Blend and Stack Machine Learning Models to Predict Shear Wave Velocity Comparing to Greenberg-Castagna Method – A Case Study in One of South West Iranian Deep-Hard Carbonate Reservoir"
    Ali Zareiforoush, Reza Mohebian, Ali Moradzadeh, Abolfazl Abdollahipour, ALi Aminzadeh
    International Conference of Artificial intelligence, Data Science and Digital Transformation in Oil and Gas Industry, 2023
    Alireza Rahmati, Ali Moradzadeh, Parham Pahlavani, رضا رحمانی
    The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLII-4/W18, 2019 GeoSpatial Conference 2019 – Joint Conferences of SMPR and GI Research, 12–14 October 2019, Karaj, Iran, 2019
  3. "3D magnetic data inversion using a Lanczos bidiagonalization algorithm with the choice of the regularization parameter based on the normalized cumulative periodogram"
    Khatereh Danaei, Richard Smith, Ali Moradzadeh, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    10th Annual PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium Abstacts, 2019
  4. "Using principal component analysis to eliminate the effect of vegetation of TM and ASTER satellite in west of Kerman"
    Khatereh Danaei, Ali Moradzadeh, Farahnaz Taghavi, Esmaeil Gholami
    The 24th national and the 2nd international geosciece congress, 2016
  5. "3D stochastic inversion of reflection seismic data using direct sequential simulation algorithm"
    Hamid Sabeti, Ali Moradzadeh, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Amilkar Soares
    The 34th national & the 2nd international geoscience congress, 2016
  6. "probability density function for planning and controlling of mining projects"
    Khatereh Danaei, Ali Moradzadeh, Esmaeil Gholami
    The 34th national & the 2nd international geoscience congress, 2016
  7. "Geoelectrical modeling of electrical resistivity and induced polarization data for marble stone imaging"
    Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Hosseini Asil, Maysam Abedi, Ali Moradzadeh
    21st Iranian National Geophysical Conference, 2024
  8. "Seismic inversion using GAN algorithm for exploration of hydrocarbon reserves"
    بهنیا عزیززاده مهماندوست علیا, Reza Mohebian, Ali Moradzadeh
    9th International Conference on Chemical, Petroleum and Environmental Engineering, 2024
  9. "The Application of Artificial Neural Network in Estimating One of the Critical Parameters of Reservoirs Quality Assessment"
    Pooya Naghizadeh Ardebili, Golnaz Jozanikohan, Ali Moradzadeh
    The first symposium of artificial intelligence, Data science, and digital evolution in the oil and gas industry, 2023
  10. "Copper Mineral Prospectively Mapping Using Multi-Index Overlay Method; Case Study: Basiran – Mokhtaran Zone, Southern Khorasan"
    Hossein Ferdosi, Abbas Bahrodi, Ali Moradzadeh, ASHKAN SEYDI, Maysam Abedi
    11th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference and 7th International Mine & Mining Industries Congress, 2023
  11. "Forward and inverse modelling of geoelectric data using unstructured mesh- a case study on Atashkouh Travertine Mine"
    Mohammad Ali Talebi, Maysam Abedi, Ali Moradzadeh
    The second national conference on data mining in earth science, 2021
  12. "Comparison of three heuristic optimization methods in improving the quality modeling of gas facies"
    [] [], Ali Moradzadeh
    Third international conference, Development Materials Engineering Technology, Mining and Geology, 2020
  13. "Modeling of quality of gas facies by unsupervised deep learning technique"
    [] [], Ali Moradzadeh
    Third international conference, Development Materials Engineering Technology, Mining and Geology, 2020
  14. "Magnetic data interpretation of alteration zones in Janja copper deposit"
    Khatereh Danaei, Ali Moradzadeh, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Richard Smith, Maysam Abedi, Farshad Zholidehsar, Shahram Adib
    19th Iranian Geophysical Conference, 2020
  15. "3D magnetic inversion of Janja deposit"
    Khaterh Danaie, Ali Moradzadeh, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Richard Smith, Maysam Abedi, Farshad Zholidehsar, Shahram Adib
    19th Iranian Geophysical Conference, 2020
  16. "Geostatistical reservoir modeling of Janja copper deposit"
    Khaterh Danaie, Ali Moradzadeh, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Richard Smith, Maysam Abedi, Farshad Zholidehsar, Shahram Adib
    19th Iranian Geophysical Conference, 2020
  17. "Mineralogical studies for environmental assessment of Pb & Zn waste dumps"
    Mehdi Zareh, Ali Moradzadeh, Abolghasem Kamkar Rouhani, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani
    The 11th Conference of Iranian Economic Geology Association, 2019
  18. "Application of Geo-Environmental models in cognition of mining problems"
    Mehdi Zare, Ali Moradzadeh, Abolghasem Kamkar Rouhani, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani
    The 11th Conference of Iranian Economic Geology Association, 2019
  19. "Pore Pressure prediction Using Seismic Velocity Estimated from Multi Attribute Analysis"
    Iraj Maddahi, Ali Moradzadeh, Ali Nejati Kalate
    The 4th Petroleum Exploration Geophysics Congress, 2019
  20. "Pore Pressure Prediction in Carbonate Reserves Based on Seismic Acoustic Impedance (AI) data"
    Iraj Maddahi, Ali Moradzadeh, Ali Nejati Kalateh
    The 4th Petroleum Exploration Geophysics congress, 2019
  21. "Pore Pressure prediction Using Seismic Inversion Velocity in Carbonate Reservoirs"
    Iraj Maddahi, Ali Moradzadeh, Ali Nejati Kalate
    38th National Geosciences Congress, 2019
  22. "Zoning and assessment of heavy metals contamination risk in carbonate-sulfide waste dumps of lead and zinc mines"
    Mehdi Zareh, Ali Moradzadeh, Abolghasem Kamkar Rouhani, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani
    38th National Geosciences Congress, 2019
  23. "Assessments of pollution potential of sulfide – carbonate lead and zinc waste dump by static method"
    Mehdi Zareh, Ali Moradzadeh, Abolghasem Kamkar Rouhani, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani
    38th National Geosciences Congress, 2019
  24. "Direct application of seismic inverse data in prediction of pore pressure"
    Iraj Maddahi, Ali Moradzadeh, Ali Nejati Kalate
    38th National Geosciences Congress, 2019
  25. "Estimation of shear wave velocity by rock physics relations and improving of the estimation using choquet fuzzy integral fusion method in one of the carbonate reservoirs in Iran"
    Hamid Sefi, Behzad Tokhmchi, Ali Moradzadeh
    4th Iranian sedimentary society congress with emphasis on hydrocarbon reservoirs, 2018
  26. "improvement of rock physics model in carbonate hydrocarbon reservoirs using Sugeno fuzzy integral data fusion method"
    Hamid Sefi, Behzad Tokhmchi, Ali Moradzadeh
    5th National conference on oil, gas, petrochemical and related industries, 2018
  27. "Estimation of Anisotropy Parameters of Reservoir Rock Using Vertical Seismic Profiling"
    Mahtab Rashidifard, Ali Moradzadeh, Mohammad Ali Riahi
    18th Iranian geophysical conference, 2018
  28. "Comparison between stochastic seismic inversion in stationary and non-stationary conditions"
    Hamid Sabeti, Ali Moradzadeh, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, آمیلکار سوارس
    18th Iranian geophysical conference, 2018
  29. "Estimation of CPD and heat flow for mapping of favorable geothermal zones in Zanjan province using of high resolution aeromagnetic data"
    Hossein Ferdosi, Ali Moradzadeh
    18th Iranian geophysical confernce, 2018
  30. "Phase tensor analysis and 2D inversion of Sabalan magnetotelluric data"
    [] [], Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Ali Moradzadeh
    18th Iranian geophysical conference, 2018
  31. "Application of various processing methods of Aster data, case study northern Dalli CU-Au porphyry deposit"
    محمد رضا حسینی, Ali Moradzadeh
    18th Iranian geophysical conference, 2018
  32. "Improvement of Hertz-Mindlin rock physics model in one of the sandstone reservoirs in Southwest of Iran"
    بهاره فریدونی, Ali Moradzadeh, امیر روشندل کاهو
    18th Iranian geophysical conference, 2018
  33. "Which rock physics model has better efficiency in carbonate reservoir? Case study in Iran"
    Hamid Sefi, Behzad Tokhmchi, Ali Moradzadeh
    The 36th National and the 3rd International Geosciences Congress, 2018
  34. "D Inversion of Gravity Data using Kokriging Equations"
    [] [], Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Ali Moradzadeh, Mohammad Ali Riahi
    36th summit and 3rd International Earth Scienc's Professional Congress, 2018
  35. "3D inverse modeling of magnetic data for exploration of the northern hill of Dalli Cu-Au porphyry deposit"
    Mohammad Reza Hosseini, Ali Moradzadeh, Hooshang Asadi Harooni
    The ninth national conference of economic geology association of Iran, 2017
  36. "Sequential Factor Analysis for Au Exploration in Alut 1:100,000 Sheet"
    Mohammadreza Rahimi, Ali Moradzadeh, Maysam Abedi, Ali Reza Arab Amiri
    Research in Geosciences, 2017
  37. "An study of hysteresis effects on carbonate reservoirs rock's porosity"
    Yaser Salimidelshad, Ali Moradzadeh, Ezzatollah Kazemzadeh
    2nd national conference on petroleum Geomechanics, 2017
  38. "Geostatistical Modeling of Geomechanical Elastic Moduli Using Well and Seismic Data"
    Mohsen Darjani, Omid Asghari, Ali Moradzadeh, Mohammad Emami Niri, Mohsen Nazari Ostad
    2nd National Conference on Petroleum Geomechanics, 2017
  39. "Project management by DSS system"
    Hamid Sabbaghi, Ali Moradzadeh, هوشنگ اسدی هارونی
    34th and the 2nd international professional geoscience conference, 2016
  40. "Interpret Thematic Mapper and ASTER remote sensing Data"
    Khaterh Danaie, Farahnaz Taghavi, Ali Moradzadeh, Esmaeil Gholami
    2th Int Earth science conference, 2016
  41. "Price Prediction of Iron Ore by Time Series Using of Dynamic Neural Network"
    Yousef Asgarinezhad, Ali Moradzadeh
    34th and the 2nd international professional geoscience conference, 2016
  42. "An improvement of RTM imaging method for seismic data"
    Farzad Moradpouri, Ali Moradzadeh, Reynam Cruz Pestana, Mehrdad Soleimani Monfared
    The 34th national & the 2nd international geoscience congress, 2016
  43. "Three-dimensional geo-statistical simulation of sonic resistance data using improved direct sequential simulation algorithm"
    Hamid Sabeti, Ali Moradzadeh, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Amilkar Soares
    The Third National Conference on Oil and Gas and Related Industries, 2015
  44. "improving of imaging condition .."
    Farzad Moradpouri, Ali Moradzadeh, Reynam Cruz Pestana, Mehrdad Soleimani Monfared
    The 3rd national oil and gas conference, 2015
  45. "Determination of wave field direction using Poynting vectors"
    Farzad Moradpouri, Ali Moradzadeh, Reynam Cruz Pestana, Mehrdad Soleimani Monfared
    46 Iranian Math conference, 2015
  46. "Estimation of Curie point depth by a forward modelling of the spectral peak method- Aeromagnetic data of Ardabil province (case study)"
    Allahyar Khojamli, Ali Moradzadeh, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Ali Nejati Kalateh, Amin Roshandel Kahoo, Soheil Porkhial
    33rd national Geoscience symposium, 2015
  47. "Modeling EM34 data and comparing results with resistivity modeling and IP in Dochileh copper Index"
    Minoo Ahmadi, Ali Reza Arab Amiri, Ali Moradzadeh
    33rd national Geoscience symposium, 2015
  48. "Automatic estimation of regularization parameter by generalized cross validation method for 3D inversion of gravity data"
    Mohammad Rezaie, Ali Moradzadeh, Ali Nejati Kalate, Hamid Aghajani
    33rd national geosciences symposium, 2015
  49. "Dimensionality analysis of geoelectrical structures in Sabalan geothermal field by MT data"
    Reza Ghaedrahmati, Ali Moradzadeh
    33rd national Geoscience symposium, 2015