Abbas Bahrodi

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-05

Abbas Bahrodi

College of Engineering / Mining Engineering

Journal Paper

  1. "A novel approach for integrating spatial data in gold prospectivity mapping using a modified TODIM method, a case study: Basiran-Mokhtaran - Eastern Iran"
    Hossein Ferdosi, Abbas Bahrodi, Ali Moradzadeh, Maysam Abedi
  2. "A novel electrical rock typing approach to improve estimating formation resistivity factor in carbonate rocks"
    Milad Mohammadi, Mohammad Emami Niri, Abbas Bahrodi, Aboozar Soleymanzadeh, Shahin Kord
    Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, Vol. 15, No 1, 2025
  3. "A multistage algorithm to generate a predictive porphyry intrusion evidential map with low uncertainty for mineral prospectivity mapping, case study in Pariz Area, Iran"
    Gholam-Reza Elyasi, Abbas Bahrodi, Maysam Abedi
  4. "Development of a new hydraulic electric index for rock typing in carbonate reservoirs"
    Milad Mohammadi, Mohammad Emami Niri, Abbas Bahrodi, Aboozar Soleymanzadeh, Shahin Kord
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 14, 2024
  5. "Geochemical prospectivity of Au mineralization through Concentration-Number fractal modelling and Prediction-Area plot: a case study in the east of Iran"
    ASHKAN SEYDI, Maysam Abedi, Abbas Bahrodi, Hossein Ferdosi
    Geopersia, Vol. 14, No 1, pp.213-229, 2024
  6. "TOPSIS vs MIO: Applications to gold prospectivity mapping; a case study of the Basiran-Mokhtaran area- eastern Iran"
    Hosein Ferdowsi, Abbas Bahrodi, Ali Moradzadeh, Maysam Abedi
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 58, No 1, pp.1-19, 2023
  7. "A Hybrid Fuzzy Ordered Weighted Averaging Method in Mineral Prospectivity Mapping: A case for Porphyry Cu Exploration in Chahargonbad District, Iran"
    Shokouh Riahi, Maysam Abedi, Abbas Bahrodi
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 57, No 4, pp.373-380, 2023
  8. "Hydrocarbon potential evaluation in the Low Resistivity Pays (LRP) of Sarvak formation with combining Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and seismic data, one of the hydrocarbon reservoirs in southwest of Iran"
    Sina Amirnezhad, Reza Mohebian, Abbas Bahrodi, Saman Jahanbakhshi
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. Volume57, pp.413-426, 2023
  9. "The Application of Various Mineral Prospectivity Modeling in the Exploration of Orogenic Gold Deposit in Saqez-Sardasht Region, Northwest Iran"
    Farzaneh Mami Khalifani, Ali Imamalipour, Samaneh Barak, Maysam Abedi, Golnaz Jozanikohan, Abbas Bahrodi
    LITHOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES, Vol. 58, No 4, pp.368-386, 2023
  10. "Geochemical prospectivity of Cu-mineralization through concentrationnumber fractal modeling and prediction-area plot: a case study in East Iran"
    ASHKAN SEYDI, Maysam Abedi, Abbas Bahrodi, Hossein Ferdosi
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 2, No 57, pp.159-169, 2023
  11. "Application of data-driven multi-index overlay and BWM-MOORA MCDM methods in mineral prospectivity mapping of porphyry Cu mineralization"
    Shokouh Riahi, Abbas Bahrodi, Maysam Abedi, David Lentz, Soheila Aslani
  12. "A comparative analysis of multi-index overlay and fuzzy ordered weighted averaging methods for porphyry Cu prospectivity mapping using remote sensing data: the case study of Chahargonbad area, SE of Iran"
    Shokouh Riahi, Abbas Bahrodi, Maysam Abedi, Soheila Aslani
    Geocarto International, Vol. 38, No 1, pp.1-22, 2022
  13. "Depth‐Varying Friction on a Ramp‐Flat Fault Illuminated by ∼3‐Year InSAR Observations Following the 2017 Mw 7.3 Sarpol‐e Zahab Earthquake"
    Zelong Guo, Mahdi Motagh, Jyr ching Hu, Guangyu Xuu, Mahmoud Haghshenas Haghighi, Abbas Bahrodi, Aram Fathian, Shaoyang Li
  14. "Improving hybrid outranking methods for porphyry Cu potential mapping, a case study in Chahargonbad region"
    Shokouh Riahi, Maysam Abedi, Abbas Bahrodi, Soheila Aslani
    Earth and Statistics, Vol. 1, No 1, 2022
  15. "Identification of Patients with Respiratory Diseases on Crucial Areas Map Using Fuzzy-AHP Approach and RS-GIS Method to Assess Geomedical Health Hazard in the Western Segment of Lake Urmia, Iran"
    Solmaz Farnad, Abbas Bahrodi, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Soheila Aslani, Shaghayegh Doulati Ardejani
    Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Civil Engineering, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.1-19, 2022
  16. "Hybrid outranking of geospatial data: Multi attributive ideal-real comparative analysis and combined compromise solution"
    Shokouh Riahi, Abbas Bahrodi, Maysam Abedi, Soheila Aslani
    Geochemistry-Chemie der Erde, Vol. -, 2022
  17. "HEBF strategy: A hybrid evidential belief function in geospatial data analysis for mineral potential mapping"
    Mahyadin Mohammadpour, Abbas Bahrodi, Maysam Abedi
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 57, No 4, 2022
  18. "Mechanical-Electrical dewatering (EDW) of mine Tailings Influence of voltage level on water recovery and moisture reduction"
    Foujan Shafai, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Abbas Bahrodi, Mahdi Hoseini, Mohammad Javad Khakpour
    MINERALS ENGINEERING, Vol. 175, No 107303, pp.1-12, 2022
  19. "Evidential data integration to produce porphyry Cu prospectivity map, using a combination of knowledge and data‐driven methods"
    Shokouh Riahi, Abbas Bahrodi, Maysam Abedi, Soheila Aslani, David Lentz
    GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING, Vol. 70, No 2, pp.421-437, 2021
  20. "Comprehensive modeling of mineral potential mapping by integration of multiset geosciences data"
    Samaneh Barak, Ali Imamalipour, Maysam Abedi, Abbas Bahrodi, Farzaneh Mamikhalifani
    Geochemistry-Chemie der Erde, Vol. 81, No 4, 2021
  21. "Electrokinetic studies of mine tailings considering dewatering and mass transport, Miduk copper mine, SE Iran"
    Foujan Shafai, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Abbas Bahrodi, Mohamad Yavarzadeh, Aliasghar Amini
    Mine Water and the Environment, Vol. 40, No 4, 2021
  22. "Mineral prospectivity mapping of porphyry Cu deposit using VIKOR method"
    Mahyadin Mohammadpour, Abbas Bahrodi, Maysam Abedi
    Earth Observation and Geomatics Engineering, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.148-168, 2021
  23. "Supervised mineral exploration targeting and the challenges with the selection of deposit and non-deposit sites thereof"
    Hossein Rahimi, Maysam Abedi, Mahyar Yousefi, Abbas Bahrodi, Gholamreza Elyasi
    APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY, Vol. 128, No 104940, 2021
  24. "Integration of airborne geophysics and satellite imagery data for exploration targeting in porphyry Cu systems: Chahargonbad district, Iran"
    Shokouh Riahi, Abbas Bahrodi, Maysam Abedi, Soheila Aslani, Gholamreza Elyasi
    GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING, Vol. 69, No 5, pp.1116-1137, 2021
  25. "Three dimensional mineral prospectivity modeling by evidential belief functions, a case study from Kahang porphyry Cu deposit"
    Mahyadin Mohammadpour, Abbas Bahrodi, Maysam Abedi
  26. "A hybrid-based clustering algorithm for targeting porphyry copper mineralization at Chahargonbad district in SE Iran"
    Hossein Rahimi, Maysam Abedi, Abbas Bahrodi, Soheila Aslani, Gholamreza Elyasi, Mohammadjavad Rezapoordehaghani
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 55, No 1, 2020
  27. "Three-dimensional weights of evidence modelling of a deep-seated porphyry Cu deposit"
    Ehsan Farahbakhsh, Ardeshir Hezarkhani, Taymor Eslamkish, Abbas Bahrodi, Rohitash Chandra
  28. "Automatic Lineament Extraction Method in Mineral Exploration Using CANNY Algorithm and Hough Transform"
    Mahyadin Mohammadpour, Abbas Bahrodi, Maysam Abedi
    GEOTECTONICS, Vol. 54, No 3, pp.366-382, 2020
  29. "Fast collocation for Moho estimation from GOCE gravity data: the Iran case study"
    Hadi Heydarizadeh Shali, Daniele Sampietro, Abdolreza Safari, Abbas Bahrodi, Martina Capponi
    GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 221, No 1, pp.651-664, 2020
  30. "An investigation of surface deformation over oilfield in Southwest Iran (2003–2010) using InSAR and physical modelling"
    Narges Fatholahi, Mehdi Akhoondzadeh, Abbas Bahrodi
  31. "Weighted Photolineaments Factor (WPF): An Enhanced Method to Generate a Predictive Structural Evidential Map with Low Uncertainty, a Case Study in Chahargonbad Area, Iran"
    Gholamreza Elyasi, Abbas Bahrodi, Maysam Abedi, Hossain Rahimi
    Natural Resources Research, Vol. 4, No 29, 2020
  32. "A recovered Moho model by integrated inversion of gravity and seismic depths in Iran"
    Sahar Ebadi, Abdolreza Safari, Riccardo Barzaghi, Abbas Bahrodi
    Heliyon, Vol. 6, No 3, pp.1-9, 2020
  33. "Investigating alteration zone mapping using EO-1 Hyperion imagery and airborne geophysics data"
    Maryam Lotfi, Hossein Arefi, Abbas Bahrodi
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. 11, No 2, 2020
  34. "A knowledge-guided fuzzy inference approach for integrating geophysics, geochemistry, and geology data in a deposit-scale porphyry copper targeting, Saveh, Iran"
    Samane Barak, Maysam Abedi, Abbas Bahrodi
    Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, Vol. 1, No 61, 2020
  35. "A clustering approach for mineral potential mapping: A deposit-scale porphyry copper exploration targeting"
    Mohammad Javad Rezapour, Maysam Abedi, Abbas Bahrodi, Hossain Rahimi
    Geopersia, Vol. 9, No 2, pp.1-15, 2019
  36. "Evaluation of different gravimetric methods to Moho recovery in Iran"
    Sahar Ebadi, Riccardo Barzaghi, Abdolreza Safari, Abbas Bahrodi
    ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 62, No 5, 2019
  37. "Effect of solid impurity on creep behavior of salt rocks of the Hormo formation"
    Farhad Abedi, Mahdi Moosavi, Abbas Bahrodi, Alireza Moazenian
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 54, No 2, pp.161-166, 2019
  38. "Generation of an efficient structural evidence layer for mineral exploration targeting"
    Farzane Mami- Khalifanie, Abbas Bahrodi, Farhang Aliyari, Maysam Abedi, Mahyar Yousefi, Mahyadin Mohammadpour
  39. "Pleistocene Coastal Evolution in the Makran Subduction Zone"
    Raphael Normand, Guy Simpson, Abbas Bahrodi
    Frontiers in Earth Science, Vol. 1, No 1, 2019
  40. "Extension at the coast of the Makran subduction zone (Iran)"
    Raphael Normand, Guy Simpson, Abbas Bahrodi
    TERRA NOVA, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.1-8, 2019
  41. "Holocene Sedimentary Record and Coastal Evolution in the Makran Subduction Zone (Iran)"
    Raphael Normand, Guy Simpson, Frederic Herman, Rabiul Haque Biswas, Abbas Bahrodi
    Quaternary, Vol. 2, No 21, pp.1-20, 2019
  42. "Dating and morpho-stratigraphy of uplifted marine terraces in the Makran subduction zone (Iran)"
    Raphael Normand, Guy Simpson, Frederic Herman, Rabiul Haque Biswas, Abbas Bahrodi, Bastian Schneider
    EARTH SURFACE DYNAMICS, Vol. 7, No 1, pp.321-344, 2019
  43. "An integrated Fuzzy AHP-VIKOR method for Gold Potential Mapping in Saqez prospecting zone, Iran"
    Farzane Mami- Khalifanie, Abbas Bahrodi, Samane Barak, Maysam Abedi
    Earth Observation and Geomatics Engineering, Vol. 3, No 1, 2019
  44. "Geochemical distribution mapping by combining number-size multifractal model and multiple indicator kriging"
    Mahyadin Mohammadpour, Abbas Bahrodi, Maysam Abedi, Gholamreza Rahimipour, Golnaz Jozanikohan, Farzane Mami- Khalifanie
    JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION, Vol. 200, pp.13-26, 2019
  45. "Risk-Based Analysis in Mineral Potential Mapping: Application of Quantifier-Guided Ordered Weighted Averaging Method"
    Gholamreza Elyasi, Abbas Bahrodi, Maysam Abedi
    Natural Resources Research, Vol. 28, No 3, 2018
  46. "Exploration of Kahang porphyry copper deposit using advanced integration of geological, remote sensing, geochemical, and magnetics data"
    Samane Barak, Abbas Bahrodi, Golnaz Jozanikohan
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. 9, No 1, pp.19-39, 2018
  47. "Early Neogene foreland of the Zagros, implications for the initial closure of the Neo-Tethys and kinematics of crustal shortening"
    Moteza Pirouz, Jean-philippe Avouac, Jamshid Hasan Zadeh, Joseph Kirschvink, Abbas Bahrodi
    EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, Vol. 477, No 477, pp.168-182, 2017
  48. "State-of-the-Art Solution of Capacitance Resistance Model by Considering Dynamic Time Constants as a Realistic Assumption"
    Ali Lesan, Seyed Ehsan Eshraghi, Abbas Bahrodi, MOHAMMDREZA RASAEI, Hossein Rahami
  49. "State-of-the-Art Solution of Capacitance Resistance Model by Considering Dynamic Time Constants"
    Ali Lesan, Seyed Ehsan Eshraghi, Abbas Bahrodi, Mohammadreza Rasaei, Hosein Rahami
  50. "Controls on the sequence stratigraphic architecture of the Neogene Zagros foreland basin"
    Moteza Pirouz, Guy Simpson, Sebastien Castelttort, Georges Gorin, Abbas Bahrodi
    Special Paper of the Geological Society of America, Vol. 525, No 525, pp.5-17, 2017
  51. "A geophysical potential field study to image the Makran subduction zone in SE of Iran"
    Maysam Abedi, Abbas Bahrodi
    TECTONOPHYSICS, Vol. 688, No 8, pp.119-134, 2016
  52. "Facies Modeling of Heterogeneous Carbonates Reservoirs by Multiple Point Geostatistics"
    Aliakbar Bayat, Omid Asghari, Abbas Bahrodi, میثم توکلی
    Journal of petroleum science and technology, Vol. 6, No 2, pp.56-65, 2016
  53. "Co-seismic, geomorphic, and geologic fold growth associated with the 1978 Tabas-e-Golshan earthquake fault in eastern Iran"
    Roderick B. Walker, Mohammadmehdi Khatib, Abbas Bahrodi, Aroen Rodes, Conrad Schnbel, Morteza Fatahi, Morteza Talebian, Edward Bergman
    GEOMORPHOLOGY, Vol. 110, No 2, pp.1232-1245, 2015
  54. "Magnetic susceptibility as a tool for mineral exploration (Case study: Southern of Zagros Mountains)"
    Mohammad Ali Boroumand, Abdolreza Safari, Abbas Bahrodi
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 49, No 1, pp.57-66, 2015
  55. "Application of the RTM-technique to gravity reduction for tracking near-surface mass-density anomalies: A case study of salt diapirs in Iran"
    Yahaya Allahtavakoli, Abdolreza Safari, Alireza A. Ardalan, Abbas Bahrodi
    STUDIA GEOPHYSICA ET GEODAETICA, Vol. 59, No 3, pp.409-423, 2015
  56. "Fault Slip Rate of the Kazerun Fault System (KFS), Iran, Investigated Using Finite Element Modeling"
    Bijan Shoorcheh, Mehdi Motagh, مرضیه باعث, Abbas Bahrodi
    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 172, No 10, pp.2495-2516, 2015
  57. "Using Envisat InSAR time-series to investigate the surface kinematics of an active salt extrusion near Qum, Iran"
    Nastran Abodlmaleki, Mehdi Motagh, Abbas Bahrodi, Mohammad Ali Sharifi, Mahmoud Haghshenas Haghighi
    JOURNAL OF GEODYNAMICS, Vol. 81, No 1, pp.56-66, 2014
  58. "Impact of the Late Triassic Dashtak intermediate detachment horizon on anticline geometry in the Central Frontal Fars, SE Zagros fold belt, Iran"
    علی یساقی, مهدی نجفی, Abbas Bahrodi, شهرام شرکتی, Jaume Verges
    MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, Vol. 54, No 54, pp.23-36, 2014
  59. "Optimization of the Markov chain for lithofacies modeling: an Iranian oil field"
    Hanyeh Nikoogoftar, Behzad Mehrgini, Abbas Bahrodi, Behzad Tochmechi
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 2, No 1, pp.1-10, 2013
  60. "Synchronous deformation on orogenic plateau margins: Insights from the Arabia–Eurasia collision"
    Todd Ehlers, علی یساقی, مهناز رضائیان, Eva Enkelman, Eva Enkelmann, Abbas Bahrodi
    TECTONOPHYSICS, Vol. 608, No 608, pp.440-451, 2013
  61. "Supoort vector machine for multi - classification of mineral prospctivity areas"
    Maysam Abedi , Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Abbas Bahrodi
    COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES, Vol. 46, pp.272-283, 2012
  62. "Support vector machine for multi-classification of mineral prospectivity area"
    Maysam Abedi, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Abbas Bahrodi
    COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES, Vol. 46, No 46, pp.272-283, 2011
  63. "Neogene sediments and modern depositional environments of the Zagros foreland basin system"
    Mortaza Pirouza , Guy Simpsona , Abbas Bahrodi, Ali Azhdaria
    GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE, Vol. 148, pp.838-853, 2011
  64. "Locating earliest records of orogenesis in western Himalaya : Evidence from paleogene sediments in the Iranian Makran region and Pakistan Katawaz basin"
    Andrew Carter , Yani Najman , Abbas Bahrodi, Paul Bown , Eduardo Garzanti , Robert D Lawrence
    GEOLOGY, Vol. 38, No 9, pp.807-810, 2010
  65. "InSAR maps and time series observation of surface displacement of rock salt extruded near Garmsar north ern Iran"
    Abbas Bahrodi, Maryam Dehghani Gernold , Zulauf Shahram Baikpou
    JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Vol. 167, No 167, pp.171-181, 2010
  66. "oroclinal bending distirbuted thrust and strike slip faulting and the accommodation of Arabia - Eurasia convergence in NE Iran since the Oligocene"
    James Hollingswort , Morteza Fattah , Richard Walker , Morteza Talebian , Abbas Bahrodi, Mohammad Javad Bolourchi , James Jackson , Alex Copley
    GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.1214-1246, 2010
  67. "Slip - rate estimate and past earthquakes on the Doruneh fault eastern Iran"
    Morteza Fatahi, R T Walker , Mohamad Mahdi Khatib , Asghar Dolati , Abbas Bahrodi
    GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 1, No 168, pp.709-691, 2007
  68. "Holocene slip - rate on the Sabzevar thrust fault NE Iran determined using Optically - stimulated Luminescense ( OSL )"
    Morteza Fatahi, Richard Walker , James Hollingsworth , Abbas Bahrodi, Hamid Nazari , Morteza Talebian , Simon Armitage , Stephen Stokes
    EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, Vol. -, No 245, pp.673-684, 2006
  69. "Feasibility study of forecasting the flood occurrence using GRACE satellite gravity data in the Karun river basin, Iran"
    رحیم رضوانی فائزی فر, Abdolreza Safari, Abbas Bahrodi, Sabah Ramouz
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 16, No 1, pp.103-117, 2022
  70. "Physical modeling of block rotation and the role of ductile sediments in the structural evolution of Kopeh Dagh and Zagros"
    Maryam Roustami, morteza Talebian, Abbas Bahrodi
    Scientific Quarterly Journal, GEOSCIENCES, Vol. 31, No 3, pp.135-144, 2021
  71. "Evaluation Studies of Petrology And Integrated Approach using Fuzzy Inference Systems in Mineral Potential Mapping, a Case Study in Khanik-Ghazan Titanium Deposite: West Urmia"
    حسن فیضی انهر, Soheila Aslani, Farhang Aliyari, Abbas Bahrodi, عبدالحمید سرتیپی
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 29, No 115, pp.175-186, 2020
  72. "Automatic lineament extraction from ASTER images using the Hough transform, JabalBarez 1:100000 sheet"
    Mahyadin Mohammadpour, Khaled Alahveisi, Abbas Bahrodi
    Advanced applied geology, Vol. 9, No 4, pp.378-391, 2020
  73. "Developing a new geometric method to estimate the slip rate of Zagros faults using velocity vectors of geodynamic network"
    Mohammad Ali Sharifi, Abbas Bahrodi, Saleh Mafi
    Geographical Data (SEPEHR), Vol. 28, No 110, pp.7-21, 2019
  74. "Study of land subsidence due to the oil extraction using Radar Interferometry (InSAR)"
    Narges Fatholahi, Mehdi Akhoondzadeh, Abbas Bahrodi
    Geographical Data (SEPEHR), Vol. 27, No 105, pp.23-34, 2018
  75. "The Use of Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) in the Integration of Copper Exploration Layers in the Neysian"
    Samane Barak, Abbas Bahrodi, Golnaz Jozanikohan
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 13, No 39, pp.97-112, 2018
  76. "Operational Improvement of Capacitance-resistance Model in Rapid Estimation of Water Flooding Performance Considering Total Range of History Matching"
    Ali Lesan, Abbas Bahrodi, بابک امین شهیدی, Hossein Rahami
    journal of Petroleum Research, Vol. 27, No 96, pp.19-33, 2017
  77. "Mapping Alteration Zones using Gaussian Mixture Model and Spectral Angle Mapper"
    Maryam Lotfi, Hamid Ghanbari, Hossein Arefi, Abbas Bahrodi
    Journal Of Geomatics Science And Technology, Vol. 6, No 4, pp.217-229, 2017
  78. "Spatial modeling of oil exploration areas using multilayer perceptron neural network (MLP) in GIS"
    Nooredin Misagh, Najmeh Neysani Samany, .a. Kakroodi Ata, Seyed Kazem Alavi Panah, Abbas Bahrodi
    journal of Petroleum Research, Vol. 26, No 91, pp.152-164, 2017
  79. "Gradient Tensor"
    Mohammad Ali Boroumand, Abdolreza Safari, Yahaya Allahtavakoli, Abbas Bahrodi
    Journal Of Geomatics Science And Technology, Vol. 6, No 2, 2016
  80. "Inverse Problem"
    Yahaya Allahtavakoli, Abdolreza Safari, Alireza A. Ardalan, Abbas Bahrodi
    Journal Of Geomatics Science And Technology, Vol. 6, No 2, 2016
  81. "Geochemical Anomaly Separation in soil samples of Eastern of Neysian, Isfahan Province"
    Samane Barak, Abbas Bahrodi, Golnaz Jozanikohan, Soheila Aslani
    Geochemistry, Vol. 5, No 1, pp.55-71, 2016
  82. "Spatial modeling of oil exploration areas using adaptive inference systems neuro - fuzzy (ANFIS) in GIS"
    Nooredin Misagh, Najmeh Neysani Samany, .a. Kakroodi Ata, Seyed Kazem Alavi Panah, Abbas Bahrodi
    Geospatial Information Technology, Vol. 4, No 1, pp.39-59, 2016
  83. "Fracture modeling in carbonate reservoirs using integration of seismic, geology and petrophysical data"
    Aliakbar Bayat, Omid Asghari, Abbas Bahrodi, Meysam Vakili
    journal of Petroleum Research, Vol. 25, No 83, pp.96-107, 2015
  84. "Fold Style in the Fars Paleo-High, SE Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt"
    Mehdi Najafi, Ali Yassaghi, Abbas Bahrodi, Shahram Sherkati, Jaume Verges
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 24, No 95, pp.79-90, 2015
  85. "Determination of the window size and coefficient of the optimized structure for estimating the Moho Depth"
    Abdolreza Safari, Mohammad Ali Sharifi, Abbas Bahrodi, Soran Parang
    Journal Of Geomatics Science And Technology, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.123-137, 2014
  86. "Bathymetry Estimation by Satellite Altimetry Observation Using Least Square Collocation (Case Study: Oman Sea)"
    Abdolreza Safari, Mohammad Ali Sharifi, Abbas Bahrodi, Samad Zarei
    Geospatial Engineering Journa, Vol. 5, No 3, pp.37-46, 2014
  87. "Identification of Copper potential Zones in Pariz area Using Stream sediment Geochemical studies"
    Ebrahim Aslani, Abbas Bahrodi, Ghassem Ghassemi Samsekandeh
    Geochemistry, Vol. 3, No 1, pp.371-382, 2014
  88. "Effect of salt unit of the Lower Red formation on Structural characteristics of Southern Central Albourz"
    Mosen Reyvan, Abbas Bahrodi, Manoucher Ghoreshi, محمدرضا قاسمی, Ahmad Aghahosseini
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 88, No 22, pp.87-98, 2013
  89. "applying the Markov chain method to modeling of rock-type facies in a hydrocarbon reservoir in SW Iran"
    Hanyeh Nikoogoftar, Behzad Mehrgini, Abbas Bahrodi, بهزاد تخم چی, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    Applied geology quarterly, Vol. 9, No 1, pp.65-77, 2013
  90. "Onset of Early Oligocene uplift of Talesh Mountains using low temperature Geochronological dating"
    سعید معدنی پور, علی یساقی, Abbas Bahrodi, مهناز رضائیان, Eva Enkelman
    journal of expoduction oil and gas, Vol. 10, No 101, pp.77-87, 2013
  91. "Capability of Zeolitic Tuffs of the Tarum Area as Natural Pozzolanic Materials for Industrial Cement Production"
    Soheila Aslani, Abbas Bahrodi, Rana Esmailpour
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 8, No 19, pp.45-54, 2013
  92. "Extracting structural planar parameters for spatial geological modeling using high-resolution satellite images (Cartosat1)"
    Seyyedeh Samira Hosseini, Ali Azizi, Abbas Bahrodi, Mohammad Ali Sharifi
    Journal Of Geomatics Science And Technology, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.33-46, 2013
  93. "development of Fuzzy inference system to prepare mineralization factor maps"
    Abbas Bahrodi, Mohammad Salemi, محمد طالعی
    Journal Of Geomatics Science And Technology, Vol. 2, No 1, pp.69-83, 2012
  94. "ارزیابی توانمندی روش تداخل راداری جهت بررسی فعالیت نمک های خروجی منطقه شمال غربی قم"
    نسترن عبدالملکی , مهدی معتق , Abbas Bahrodi, محمدعلی شریفی
    Geospatial Engineering Journa, Vol. 1, No 3, pp.93-102, 2011
  95. "investigation Neishabour fault activity"
    Morteza Fatahi, سمیه رستمی مهربان , مرتضی طالبیان , Abbas Bahrodi, جیمز هالینگورث , ریچارد والکر
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 20, No 79, pp.55-60, 2011
  96. "Experimental modeling of the ..."
    صبا خدرزاده , Abbas Bahrodi
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 20, No 77, pp.17-24, 2010
  97. "evaluating the application ..."
    غلامرضا الیاسی , Abbas Bahrodi, امیر عادلی سرچشمه , محمد کریمی , جمشید حسن زاده
    Journal Of Sciences, Vol. 36, No 1, pp.57-67, 2010
  98. "ارزیابی توانمندی روش تداخل سنجی راداری جهت بررسی فعالیت نمک های خروجی منطقه شمال قم"
    نسترن عبدالملکی , Mehdi Motagh, Abbas Bahrodi, Mohammad Ali Sharifi
    Geospatial Engineering Journa, Vol. 1, No 3, pp.93-102, 2010
  99. "using the spatial analysis methods to landslide hazard zonation"
    عطیه مقتدر , Abbas Bahrodi, محمدعلی شریفی , محمدرضا مهدویفر
    Geospatial Engineering Journa, Vol. 1, No 2, pp.97-109, 2010
  100. "comparrison between seismic Geologic..."
    مریم اسدی سرشار , Abbas Bahrodi, محمدرضا قاسمی , منوچهر قرشی
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 75, No 1, pp.19-24, 2010
  101. "determining the drilling locations..."
    غلامرضا الیاسی غلامرضا الیاسی , محمد کریمی , Abbas Bahrodi, امیر عادلی سرچشمه
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 19, No 75, pp.179-188, 2010
  102. "determining the drilling loeations in the ..."
    محمد کریمی , امیر ادلی سرچشمه , Abbas Bahrodi, غلام رضا الیاسی
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 35, No 2, pp.85-97, 2009
  103. "Capability of Zeolitic Tuffs of the Central province as Natural Pozzolanic Materials for Industrial Cement Production"
    Ayoub Naraknejad, Soheila Aslani, Abbas Bahrodi, Morteza Khalatbari
    University, Vol. 3, No 43, pp.337-345, 2009
  104. "study and separation of alteration zones in Cu-AU sarbisheh prospect"
    Soheila Aslani, Abbas Bahrodi, جلال کرمی , امیر خودرس حقیقی
    University, Vol. 42, No 5, pp.607-615, 2009
  105. "predicting ..."
    مریم اسدی سرشار , Abbas Bahrodi, منوچهر قرشی , محمد رضا قاسمی
    Journal Of Sciences, Vol. 35, No 4, pp.111-117, 2009
  106. "تاثیر ضریب چسبندگی قاعده ایی در سبک دگرشکلی پهنه گسل منقارک با بکارگیری روش مدل سازی آنالوگ"
    مرتضی پیروز , محمدرضا قاسمی , Abbas Bahrodi, عبداله سعیدی
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 16, No 61, pp.178-187, 2006

Conference Paper

  1. "Sentinel-1 Insights into interseismic coupling along the plate boundary of the Western Makran Subduction Zone"
    Alireza Sobooti, Sami Samie Esfahani, Mohammad Ali Sharifi, Abbas Bahrodi, Amir Masoud Abolghasem, Ankeh Friedrich
    EGU2024, 2024
  2. "Kinematics of Western Makran Subduction Zone Obtained from Seven Years of Sentinel-1 InSAR Data"
    Alireza Sobouti, Sami Samie Esfahani, Mohammad Ali Sharifi, Amir Abolghasem, Abbas Bahrodi
    12th International Workshop on advances in the science and applications of SAR interferometry and Sentinel-1 InSAR – FRINGE 2023, 2023
  3. "A Combination of Data Driven and Knowledge Driven of Outranking MCDM methods in Porphyry Cu prospectivity Mapping"
    Shokouh Riahi, Abbas Bahrodi, Maysam Abedi, Soheila Aslani
    Sixth International Conference on Technology, Mining and Geology Engineering Technology Development, 2022
    Mohammad Ali Sharifi, Abbas Bahrodi, Saleh Mafi
    Geospatialconf 2019, 2019
    Mahdyeh Yosefi Darestani, Hossein Arefi, Abbas Bahrodi
    SMPR 2019, 2019
  6. "analogue modeling in East Iran"
    Marzyeh Rostami, مرتضی طالبیان , Abbas Bahrodi
    34th geosceinces conference and second international meting, 2016
  7. "Inversion tectonics evaluation by using alanogue modeling"
    Shirin Chizari, حمید نظری, Abbas Bahrodi, Bahram Malekmohammadi
    34th geosciences conference and second international meeting for Earth sciences, 2016
  8. "Comparison between Estimated moho Depth from Euler Deconvolution Method and CRUST 2.0 Model"
    Abdolreza Safari, Mohammad Ali Sharifi, Abbas Bahrodi, Soran Parang
    32th National & the 1st international Geoseciences Congress, 2014
  9. "Application and comparison of different principal compnent analysis methods in remote sensing"
    Ehsan Farahbakhsh, Abbas Bahrodi
    32 national & first international Geosciences congress, 2014
  10. "Active Tectonic evidence on the Sabzevar region"
    مهدی برنجیان, Morteza Talebian, Abbas Bahrodi, اکبر قاسمی
    32 national & first international Geosciences congress, 2014
  11. "Lithology modeling of carbonate reservoirs by multiple point geostatistics"
    Aliakbar Bayat, Abbas Bahrodi, Omid Asghari, میثم توکلی
    1st International Conference on Mining, Mineral Processing, Metallurgical and Environmental Engineering, 2013
  12. "Late Oligocene onset of uplift at Talesh Mountains Northwestern of Iranian plateau, constrained from temperture Thermochronology"
    سعید معدنی پور, علی یساقی, مهناز رضائیان, Abbas Bahrodi, Eva Enkelman, Todd Ehlers
    oil & Gas Exploration & Production Scientific-propagative Journal, 2013
  13. "Analysis of pore effect on abnormal thickness"
    Mohamadali Salehi, Aboulfazl Miree, شهرام شرکتی, Abbas Bahrodi
    Istanbul International Geophysical Conference, 2012
  14. "Late Oligocene onset of Uplift at the talesh mountains, northweatern"
    Saeed Madanipour, Todd Ehlers, Mahnaz Rezaeian, Ali Yassaghi, Eva Enkelman, Abbas Bahrodi
    International Conference and exhibition, 2012
  15. "Late cenozonic shortening variation along the talesh mountains, implications for.."
    سعید مدنی, علی یساقی, مهناز رضائیان, Todd Ehlers, Eva Enkelman, Abbas Bahrodi
    International Conference and exhibition, 2012
  16. "the significance of basement reverse faulting"
    علی یساقی, Mehdi Najafi, Abbas Bahrodi, شهرام شرکتی
    evolution of the Zagros-Makran fold belts, 2012
  17. "The spatio-temporal mapping of deformation at extrusive salt domes in the Great Kavir Basin of central Iran as observed by InSAR time-series analysis"
    نسترن عبدالملکی, Mehdi Motagh, Mohammad Ali Sharifi, Abbas Bahrodi
    15th Australasian Remote Sensing Photogrammetry Conference, 2010
  18. "Geochemical prospectivity of Cu-mineralization using Concentration-Number Fractal Analysis, a case study in South Birjand"
    ASHKAN SEYDI, Abbas Bahrodi, Maysam Abedi, Hossein Ferdosi
    11th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference and 7th International Mine & Mining Industries Congress, 2023
  19. "Copper Mineral Prospectively Mapping Using Multi-Index Overlay Method; Case Study: Basiran – Mokhtaran Zone, Southern Khorasan"
    Hossein Ferdosi, Abbas Bahrodi, Ali Moradzadeh, ASHKAN SEYDI, Maysam Abedi
    11th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference and 7th International Mine & Mining Industries Congress, 2023
  20. "Development of an approach for optimal geochemical sampling network using GIS"
    Hamed Hosseini, Abbas Bahrodi, Mohammad Ali Sharifi, Rahim Ali Abbaspour
    the 40th national Geosciences Congress, 2022
  21. "Improving hybrid outranking methods for porphyry Cu potential mapping, a case study in Chahargonbad region"
    Shokouh Riahi, Abbas Bahrodi, Maysam Abedi, Soheila Aslani
    The Second National Conference on Data Mining in Earth Sciences, 2021
  22. "Processing airborne geophysical data of magnetometry and radiometric for detecting porphyry Cu mineralization, a case study in Chahargonbad area"
    Shokouh Riahi, Maysam Abedi, Abbas Bahrodi
    The First National Conference on Signal and Image Processing in Geophysics, 2019
  23. "Exploration of porphyry copper - molybdenum deposits in Neysian by study on lineaments extraction from geophysics, remote sensing and geology data"
    Samane Barak, Abbas Bahrodi, Farzane Mami- Khalifanie, Maysam Abedi
    The 10th Iranian Economic Geology Conference, 2018
  24. "Integrated exploration of orogenic gold mineralization in the northwest of Iran, Saqez area"
    Farzane Mami- Khalifanie, Abbas Bahrodi, Samane Barak, Maysam Abedi, Mahyadin Mohammadpour
    The 10th Iranian Economic Geology Conference, 2018
  25. "The geochemical exploration of orogenic gold deposit using concentration-number (C-N) fractal and probability-number (P.N) methods in the NW of Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone"
    Farzane Mami- Khalifanie, Abbas Bahrodi, Samane Barak, Golnaz Jozanikohan
    The 10th symposium of Iranian Society of Economic Geology, 2018
  26. "Studying Geochemical Anolmalies using Classsic Statistic and fractal methods"
    Hassan Feizi, Soheila Aslani, Farhag Aliyari, Abbas Bahrodi, Abdolhamid Sartipi
    Third international Conference of Minining Engineering and Geosciences, 2017
  27. "Detection of Cu-Mo prophyry Kohpayeh prospect using Remote Sesing"
    Samane Barak, Abbas Bahrodi
    First National Conference of Mining Engineering and Geosciences, 2017
  28. "The Exploration in the Neysan area using geochemical data and the C-N fractal method"
    Samane Barak, Abbas Bahrodi, Golnaz Jozanikohan
    The First National Conference of Mining Engineering and Geo-Sciences, 2017
  29. "Geological characteristics, petrography and geochemistry of the horst rocks of the Khanik- Ghazan titanium-ore deposits,northwest of Urmia"
    Hassan Feizi, Soheila Aslani, Farhang Aliyari, Abbas Bahrodi
    35th National Convention Geo sciences conferences, 2017
  30. "Effect of hydrocarbon depletaion on elastic and nonelastic deformation of reservoirs"
    Milad Khairinasab, Bita Arbabi, Houssein Mohammadrezai, Abbas Bahrodi
    Second National Conference of Geomechanics, 2017
  31. "Mineral Mapping Evaluation of porphyry copper deposit using Spectral Library and Image Spectrum Analysis"
    Maryam Lotfi, Hossein Arefi, Abbas Bahrodi
    International Conference on new ideas in architecture, urbanism, geography and environmental sustainability, 2016
  32. "Geochemical Anomaly Separation Using the Multivariate Statistical Methods in Saqqez Region"
    Farzane Mami- Khalifanie, Abbas Bahrodi, Aida Mohebi, Soheila Aslani, Golnaz Jozanikohan, Samane Barak
    4th International Mine and Mining Industries Congress & 6th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2016
  33. "Detecting the hydrothermal alteration zones using integration of remote sensing and geological studies for mineral exploration of the Kuh payeh Mo-Cu porphyry prospect."
    Samane Barak, Abbas Bahrodi, Soheila Aslani, Aida Mohebi, Farzane Mami- Khalifanie
    First conference for Mitigation and Problems related to Mining & Environmental issues, 2016
  34. "exploring Mo-Cu porphyry mineral potential areas within the Kuh Payeh prospect of Esfahan province using magnetic surveying"
    Samane Barak, Abbas Bahrodi, Soheila Aslani, Farzane Mami- Khalifanie, Aida Mohebi
    First conference for Mitigation and Problems related to Mining & Environmental issues, 2016
  35. "An Investigation on the effects of statistical parameters on geochemical anomaly separation, using traditional method, case study of eastern Neysian area"
    Samane Barak, Abbas Bahrodi, Soheila Aslani, Golnaz Jozanikohan, Farzane Mami- Khalifanie
    The First Regional Conference on the Challenges facing the Mining and environment, 2016
  36. "Monitoring of Land Subsidence Due to Hydrocarbon Production using InSAR and Leveling"
    Narges Fatholahi, Mehdi Akhoondzadeh, Abbas Bahrodi
    The first national conference on Geospatial Information Technology, 2016
  37. "Prospecting additional materials for cement by using integration of exploration data in central Alborz (Shekarnab)"
    Mehdi Torkashvand, Soheila Aslani, Abbas Bahrodi
    7th Iran’ s National Conference of Concrete Oct 7 2015, 2015
  38. "Using gravity gradient tensor in determination of density and magnetic susceptibility of the geological bodies"
    Abdolreza Safari, Abbas Bahrodi, Mohammad Ali Boroumand
    33rd National Geosciences symposium, 2015
  39. "Tectonic Fast erosion of noerthwestern margin of Continental plateform of Iran in Middle Miocene"
    سعید معدنی پور, Tedd Ehlers, علی یساقی, هانی رضاییان, Aivan Aivan, Abbas Bahrodi
    Second symposium of Tectonics of Iran, 2014
  40. "Sensetivity analysis and production history of the a hydrocarbon reservoir in SW Iran"
    Maryam Bahrami, Ali Vatani, Abbas Bahrodi, Mohammad Ghavidel
    First Conference for Underground oil-gas Storage, 2014
  41. "Study of Underground gas storage depth of salt coverns"
    Sanaz Kasebi, Ali Vatani, Abbas Bahrodi, Mohammad Ghavidel
    First Conference for Underground oil-gas Storage, 2014
  42. "Geochemical exploration of Pariz 1:100000 scale Map"
    Ghassem Ghassemi Samsekandeh, Abbas Bahrodi, Ebrahim Aslani
    32th earth sciences conference, 2014
  43. "application of supervised classification pattern"
    Ebrahim Aslani, Abbas Bahrodi
    32th earth sciences conference, 2014
  44. "development of the spectral libarary using"
    Ehsan Abdesherafat, Abbas Bahrodi
    31th earth sciences conference, 2014
  45. "Geochemical exploration of shar-e-Babak 1:100000 scale Map"
    Ghassem Ghassemi Samsekandeh, Abbas Bahrodi, Ebrahim Aslani
    32th earth sciences conference, 2014
  46. "Identification of hydrothermal laterations in Pariz geological map using remote sensing and radiometric data processing"
    Ebrahim Aslani, Abbas Bahrodi, Ghassem Ghassemi Samsekandeh
    32th earth sciences conference, 2014
  47. "the application of ASTER data to identify hydrothermal alteration of porphyry copper deposit in the Shahr-e-babak area"
    Ghassem Ghassemi Samsekandeh, Abbas Bahrodi, Ebrahim Aslani
    32th earth sciences conference, 2014
  48. "Review of Geology of the Makran accretionary prism"
    Abbas Bahrodi, Shahram Sherkati, Mosen Reyvan
    Tectonics and strcrural Geology Conference, 2014
  49. "Application of Google Earth in Geological and Exploration studies"
    Pajman Rasekh, Abbas Bahrodi
    9th student conference of Mining Engineering if Iran, 2013
  50. "Application of Krosta method for detecting hydrothermal alteration"
    Ebrahim Aslani, Abbas Bahrodi
    9th student conference of Iranian Mining engineering, 2013
  51. "Analysis of origin of factures in fractured reservoir and study of their role"
    Ehsan Kosari, Abbas Bahrodi, Ali Chehrazi
    31th earth sciences conference, 2013
  52. "study avalieh ..."
    احسان فرح بخش, Abbas Bahrodi, سعید قنادپور, محمدجواد پورجعفری
    iran, 2013
  53. "Litofacies Classification by Support Vector Machine using well log data"
    امین عرب پور, Abbas Bahrodi, Mohammad Ali Riahi
    31st Earth Science Conference, 2012
  54. "study of the decollements"
    Mehraban Mehdizadeh, Abbas Bahrodi, Ali Solgi
    31th Earth sciences conference, 2012
  55. "evaluation of the length variation"
    الهه حاجی زاده, Abbas Majdi, Abbas Bahrodi, Manocher Farchei
    31th Earth sciences conference, 2012
  56. "Classification of facies by support vector machine based on borehole data"
    امین عرب پور, Abbas Bahrodi, Mohammad Ali Riahi
    31st meeting of earth sciences, 2012
  57. "Markov chain as tools for modeling"
    Hanyeh Nikoogoftar, Abbas Bahrodi, Behzad Tochmechi, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    31th earth sciences conference, 2012
  58. "Study of the effect of initial hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic in fracturing"
    الهه حاجی زاده, Abbas Bahrodi, Abbas Majdi, منوچهر قرشی
    30th earth Sciences Conference, 2012
  59. "Remote sensing imagery for Geology"
    Abbas Bahrodi, سمیرا حسینی, Ali Azizi, Mohammad Ali Sharifi
    Geomatics 90, 2011
  60. "exploration of pozzolan using GIS"
    Soheila Aslani, Abbas Bahrodi, اصغر شرقی نمین
    29national congress of geosciences Iranian Geological society, 2011
  61. "comparison elastic thickness"
    مجید عباس زاده, Mohammad Ali Sharifi, Abbas Bahrodi
    27th geological conference, 2010
  62. "Sault diapir"
    نسترن عبدالملکی, Mehdi Motagh, Abbas Bahrodi, Mohammad Ali Sharifi
    27th geological conference, 2010
  63. "comparison elastic thickness"
    مجید عباس زاده, Mohammad Ali Sharifi, Abbas Bahrodi
    12 geological conference, 2009