Mahdi Moosavi


Update: 2025-03-13

Mahdi Moosavi

College of Engineering / Mining Engineering

Journal Paper

  1. "Determination of initial stress state and rock mass deformation modulus at Lavarak HEPP by back analysis using ant colony optimization and multivariable regression analysis"
    Ebrahim Ghorbani, Mahdi Moosavi, Seyed Mohammad Faregh Hoseini, Mehdi Assari, Yousef Mohammadhosseinzadeh Golabchi
    Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Vol. 1, No 1, 2020
  2. "A data-driven fuzzy model for prediction of rockburst"
    Ashkan Rastegarmanesh, Mahdi Moosavi, Ahmad Kalhor
    Georisk, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.1-13, 2020
  3. "Using acoustic emission technique to monitor damage progress around joints in brittle materials"
    Milad Naderloo, Mahdi Moosavi, Morteza Ahmadi
  4. "Effect of solid impurity on creep behavior of salt rocks of the Hormo formation"
    Farhad Abedi, Mahdi Moosavi, Abbas Bahrodi, Alireza Moazenian
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 54, No 2, pp.161-166, 2019
  5. "A laboratory study of stress arching around an inclusion due to pore pressure changes"
    Hani Asaei, Mahdi Moosavi, Mohammad Ali Aghighi
    Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 10, No 4, pp.678-693, 2018
  6. "Investigation of mechanical behavior of non-persistent jointed blocks under uniaxial compresion"
    مسعود اسدزاده, Mahdi Moosavi, Seyed Mohammad Faregh Hoseini
    Geomechanics and Engineering, Vol. 14, No 1, pp.1429-42, 2018
  7. "Shear Strength and Cracking Process of Non-persistent Jointed Rocks: An Extensive Experimental Investigation"
    Mostafa Asadizadeh, Mahdi Moosavi, Seyed Mohammad Faregh Hoseini, Hossein Masoumi
    ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING, Vol. 2017, No 6, pp.1-14, 2017
  8. "A Micromechanical Model to Estimate Borehole Collapse Pressure"
    Nader Ghasempour, Mahdi Moosavi, Muhammad Ali Agigi
    Periodica Polytechnica-Civil Engineering, Vol. 61, No 3, 2017
  9. "A laboratory study on mix design to properly resemble brittle jointed rock"
    Mostafa Asadizadeh, Seyed Mohammad Faregh Hoseini, Mahdi Moosavi, Sadra Mohammadi
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 50, No 2, pp.201-210, 2016
    Mahdi Saeedi, Mahdi Moosavi, S., Moosazadeh, F.n Shahmohammad
  11. "In situ stress measurements of two hydropower projects in Iran by hydraulic fracturing method"
    Mohammad Hosein Talebi, Samira Hydari, Mahdi Moosavi
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 8, No 9, pp.7073-7085, 2014
  12. "Effect of grain characteristics and cement content on the unconfined compressive strength of artificial sandstones"
    Vahidoddin Fattahpour, Beatrice Baudet, Mahdi Moosavi, Mahdi Mehranpour, Alireza Ashkezari
    International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts, Vol. 1, No 72, pp.109-116, 2014
  13. "Influence of penetration rate and indenter diameter in strength measurement by indentation testing on smal rock specimens"
    Mohammad Haftani, Bahman Beloli, علیرضا نوری , Mohammad Reza Maleki Javan , Mahdi Moosavi, Majid Moradi
    ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.1-6, 2014
  14. "Behaviour of steel fiber reinforced cementatious mortar and high performance concrete in triaxial loading"
    Afshin Noori, Mohammad Shekarchi Zadeh, Masood Moradian, Mahdi Moosavi
    ACI MATERIALS JOURNAL, Vol. 111, No 1, pp.1-6, 2014
  15. "A new method for correlating rock strength to indentation tests"
    Mohammad Haftani, Bahman Beloli, Mahdi Moosavi, علیرضا نوری, Majid Moradi, Mohammad Reza Maleki Javan
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 112, No 1, pp.24-31, 2013
  16. "Some Effects of Shearing Velocity on the Shear Stress-Deformation Behaviour of Hard–Soft Artificial Material Interfaces"
    Hadi Atapoor, Mahdi Moosavi
    Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol. 5, No 31, pp.1603-1615, 2013
  17. "Experimental measurement of compressibility coefficients of synthetic sandstone in hydrostatic conditions"
    Hani Asaei, Mahdi Moosavi
    Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol. 10, No 5, pp.1-11, 2013
  18. "The Influence of Shearing Velocity on Shear Behavior of Artificial Joints"
    Hadi Mehranpoor, Mahdi Moosavi
    ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.1-11, 2013
  19. "Investigation of surface and subsurface displacements due to multiple tunnels excavation in urban area"
    Alireza Talebinejad, لطیف گچکار , Mahdi Moosavi, ولف دیتر کراوزه, آنیک دومارفی مانتآنو , شهیندخت خوارزمی
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 40, No 4, pp.1-11, 2013
  20. "Petroleum Science and Engineering"
    وحید الدین فتاح پور , Mahdi Moosavi, مهدی مهران پور
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 2012, No 9, pp.343-353, 2013
  21. "An approximate ANN-based solution for convergence of lined circular tunnels in elasto-plastic rock masses with anisotropic stresses"
    Hosein Rafiei, Mahdi Moosavi, Mehdi Mehrpoosh
  22. "Tunnelin Induced ground movements on Tehran Metro"
    Hamid Chakeri, Alireza Talebinejad, Mahdi Moosavi
    Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Vol. 49, No 4, pp.132-138, 2012
  23. "An experimental investigation on the effect of rock strength and perforation size on sand production"
    Seyedvahidoddin Fattahpour, Mahdi Moosavi, Mahdi Mehranpour
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 86-87, No 86, pp.172-189, 2012
  24. "Behaviour of Slurry Infiltrated Fibre Concrete (SIFCON) under triaxial compression"
    Yaghoob Farnam, Mahdi Moosavi, Mohammad Shekarchi Zadeh, Saeed Karim Babanajad, Ahad Bagherzadeh
    CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCH, Vol. 40, No 11, 2010
  25. "Influence of cyclic wetting and drying on swelling behaviour of mudstone in south west of Iran"
    Ramin Doostmohammadi , Mahdi Moosavi, Th Mutschler , C Osan
    Environmental Geology, Vol. 58, No 5, pp.999-1009, 2009
  26. "Analysis of Iranian strong - motion data using the specific barrier model"
    Mahdi Moosavi, Hamid Zafarani , Asadallah Nourzad, Anushiravan Ansari , khosrow Bargi
    Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol. 4, No 4, pp.415-428, 2007
  27. "Modelling the cyclic swelling pressure of mudrock using artificial neural networks"
    Mahdi Moosavi, Mohammad Jawad Yazdanpanah , R Doostmohammadi
    Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Vol. 87, pp.194-178, 2006
  28. "Using artificial neural network ( ANN ) for modelling of load distribution along fully grouted cable bolts"
    R Grayeli , Mahdi Moosavi
    Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Section A: Mining Technology, Vol. 115, No 1, pp.33-24, 2006
  29. "A model for cable bolt - rock mass interaction: Integration with discontinuous deformation analysis ( DDA ) algorithm"
    Mahdi Moosavi, Roozbeh Grayeli
  30. "Bond of cement grouted reinforcing bars under constant radial pressure"
    Mahdi Moosavi, Ahmad Jafari, Arash Khosravi
    CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES, Vol. 27, No 1, pp.103-109, 2005
  31. "Mechanical properties of Portland cement grout controlling bond capacity of reinforcements"
    Mahdi Moosavi
    Mahdi Moosavi
    International Journal of Emerging Sciences (IJES), Vol. 2, No 15, pp.35-39, 2004
  33. "Investigation of bond capacity of fully grouted bars under different boundary conditions"
    Mahdi Moosavi, Ahmad Jafari , Arash Khosravi , Mostafa Pasha Nejati
    Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Section A: Mining Technology, Vol. 113, No 2, pp.89-95, 2004
  34. "Shear strength of Portland cement grout"
    Mahdi Moosavi, William F Bawden
    CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES, Vol. 25, No 7, pp.729-735, 2003
  35. "Mechanism of bond failure and load distribution along fully grouted cable - bolts"
    Mahdi Moosavi, W F Bawden , A J Hyett
    Mining Technology, Vol. 111, No 1, pp.1-12, 2002
  36. "Bond failure mechanism in conventional rock bolts and modified geometry cable bolts"
    Mahdi Moosavi
    CIM nnual General meeting, Vol. -, 1999
  37. "Evaluation of load distribution along conventional and modified strand canle tendon anchors using computer aided nolr loand estimation software inckud"
    Mahdi Moosavi
    to be published in international symposium on rock support norway, Vol. -, 1997
  38. "Evaluation of long cable tendon load distribution using computer aided bolt load estimation with preliminary field validation from prototype instrumen"
    Mahdi Moosavi
    Ist asian rock mechanics symposium seous korea, Vol. -, 1997
  39. "Load distribution along fully grouted bolts, with emphasis on cable reinforcement"
    J Hyett , Mahdi Moosavi, Wf Bawden
  40. "A comprehensive laboratory test program to study the behavior of modified geometruy cable bolt support"
    Mahdi Moosavi, W F Bawden , A J Hyett
    Rock mechanics tools and technics proceedings of the 2nd morth amercan rock mechanics symposium montreal, Vol. -, 1996
  41. "A constitutive law for bond failure of fulluy grouted cable bolts using a modified Hiek cell"
    A J Hyett , W F Bawde , G R Macsporran , Mahdi Moosavi
    International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts, Vol. 32, No 1, pp.11-36, 1995
  42. "Numerical study on the effect of grouting in settlement reduction in soft rocks (Line 2 Karaj Metro)"
    Amin Assadollahi, Mahdi Moosavi, Mohammad Hossein Khosravi
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 13, No 38, pp.61-75, 2017
  43. "Evaluation on three usul tests on Mode I fracture toughness"
    Alimohammad Pakdaman, Mahdi Moosavi
    Journal of Petroleum Geomechanics, Vol. 1, No 2, pp.53-67, 2017
  44. "Comparative study on brittle toughness mode I of Basalt rock"
    Mahdi Moosavi, Ali Mohammad Pakdaman
    Iranian Journal of Rock Mechanics, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.53-61, 2016
  45. "Evaluation of tunnel support terminal in conjunction with Tohid tunnel"
    Mahdi Saeeidi, Mahdi Moosavi, Farshad Nejad Shah Mohammad
  46. "shearing speed and normal stress effect on shear stiffness of rock joints"
    Mahdi Moosavi, Hadi Atapoor
    Journal of Engineering Geology, Vol. 4, pp.15-26, 2011
  47. "Prediction of stress distribution in lining of tunnels"
    رامین دوست محمدی , Mahdi Moosavi
    Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering, Vol. -, No 1, pp.29-36, 2010
  48. "Stability analysis of the western Sarcheshmeh mine wall with 3D distict Element Method"
    Mahdi Moosavi, Alireza Yarahmadi, Hamidreza Bakhshi
    University, Vol. 43, No 3, pp.311-323, 2009
  49. "Sand production prediction using numerical methods"
    جلال موسوی , سعید بداغ آبادی , Mahdi Moosavi
    University, Vol. 41, No 3, pp.263-271, 2007
  50. "کاربرد مدل عددی سه بعدی در تحلیل رفتار سینه کارهای نگهداری شده توسط بولتهای تزریقی"
    محمدتقی همزبان قراملکی , Mahdi Moosavi
    Amirkabir (Journal of Science and Technology), Vol. 17, No 64, pp.79-91, 2006
  51. "Using 3D profiles of tunnel deformation in stability analysis"
    محمدتقی همزبان قراملکی , Mahdi Moosavi
    University, Vol. 40, No 2, pp.251-262, 2006
  52. "بررسی نقش مقاومت برشی سیمان در ظرفیت باربری"
    Mahdi Moosavi, مصطفی پاشانجاتی , پرویز معارف وند
    University, Vol. 36, No 2, pp.289-296, 2002

Conference Paper

  1. "A new indirect metod for evaluation of the sweling potential of Argillaceous rocks"
    Mahdi Moosavi, Hasan Samani Yarahmadi
    Coal Operators Conference, 2017
  2. "Effect of locating the stope and backfill design on stress distribution"
    Amirmohammad Aliabadizadeh, Mahdi Moosavi, Mehdi Rahimiyan
    50th American Rock Mechanics Associations Conference, 2016
  3. "The comparison of compression and impression relaxation tests with different diameter of indenter in salt rock"
    Fatemeh Tavanaei Sereshgi, Mohammad Hadi Mehranpoor, Mahdi Moosavi
    EUROCk 2014, 2014
  4. "Identification of rheological behavior of salt rock at elevated temperature case study Gachsaran evaporative formation, Iran"
    Najafali Ghavidel, Mohammd Heidarzadeh, [] [], Mahdi Moosavi, Hossein Memarian
    EUROCK 2014, 2014
  5. "An investigation of surface roughness measurement in rock joints with a 3D scanning devuice"
    Mahdi Moosavi, Hesamaddin Nabizadeh Rafsanjani, Mohammad Hadi Mehranpoor, Ali Nazem, Ah. Shirazi
    Sinorock 2013, 2013
  6. "Temperature effect on static and dynamic properties of salt rock"
    مصطفی گرجیان, Mahdi Moosavi, Hossein Memarian, سپیده هندی
    ARMS7, 2012
  7. "Numerical modelling of hydraulic pressure cell and investigating on affecting parameters etc"
    Mahdi Moosavi, مهدی سعیدی عباس آباد, علی افتخاری, محمد طارمی
    ARMS7, 2012
  8. "Impression Relaxation Test, a New Relaxation Method to Determine the Time Dependent Characteristics of Salt Rock"
    Mohammad Hadi Mehranpoor, Fatemeh Sadat Rassouli, Mahdi Moosavi
    ARMA 2012 American Rock Mechanics Association, 2012
  9. "Slope stability analysis under dynamic loading at Choghart Iron Mine, Iran"
    Ahmad Zareei, Mahdi Moosavi
    46th US rock mechanics symposium, 2012
  10. "Study of Punch Tip Effect On Creep of Materials in Impression Creep Test"
    Fatemeh Sadat Rassouli, Mohammad Hadi Mehranpoor, Mahdi Moosavi
    ARMA 2012 American Rock Mechanics Association, 2012
  11. "Using Multistage Creep Tests to Determine the Parameters of Power Law Creep Equation"
    Fatemeh Sadat Rassouli, Mohammad Hadi Mehranpoor, Mahdi Moosavi
    EUROCK2012, 2012
  12. "Shear failure mechanism in oil wells due to reservoiur"
    Mostafa Gorjian, Mahdi Moosavi, Hossein Memarian, Hadi Ajam Zadeh
    Harmonizing Rock Engineering Environment, 2012
  13. "Investigation of spalling failure at Nayriz Marble Mine (Iran"
    Mahdi Moosavi, جسن میرزایی دوقوزلو, Mohammad Goudarzi, نادر قوامی
    Harmonizing Rock Engineering Environment, 2012
  14. "Numerical and empirical analysis of face pressure effect on surface subsidence at a tunnel excavated by EPB method"
    Alireza Talebinejad, Hamid Chakeri, Mahdi Moosavi, Bakhtiyar Unver
    9th Iranian Tunnelling Conference, 2011
  15. "A method for controlling swell of weak rocks in the vicinity of underground excavations"
    R.. Dostmohammadi, Mahdi Moosavi, Th Mutschler
    3rd international conference on Geotechnical Engineering for disaster mitigation and rehabilitation, 2011
  16. "Seismic analysis for slope stability at Choghart Iron Mine, iran"
    Ahmad Zareei, Mahdi Moosavi, farzan Rafia
    6th international conference of seismology and earthquake engineering, 2011
  17. "A critical laboratory investigation on validity evaluation of undercoring method for in situ stress determination"
    Mahdi Moosavi, نادر قوامی
    Rock Stress and Earthquakes ISRS V Beijing China 2010, 2010
  18. "Stress inversion from focal mechanism solution of Bam Earthquake aftershocks (Iran 2003"
    Seyedvahidoddin Fattahpour, Mahdi Moosavi
    Rock Stress and Earthquakes ISRS V Beijing China 2010, 2010
  19. "The effect of different boundary conditions on creep behavior of salt rock"
    Fatemeh Sadat Rassouli, Mahdi Moosavi, Mohammad Hadi Mehranpoor
    44th US rock mechanics sysmposium, 2010
  20. "The effect of different boundary conditions on creep behavior of soft rocks"
    Mohammad Amin Jafari, Mahdi Moosavi
    44th US rock mechanics symposium, 2010
  21. "The application of impression test in creep behaviour of mudstone"
    Fatemeh Sadat Rassouli, Mahdi Moosavi, Mohammad Amin Jafari
    Rock engineering in difficult ground conditions, 2009
  22. "3D Modelling of a cavern in closely spaced bedded rock mass by transversely isotropic model"
    Mahdi Moosavi, Vahidoddin Fattahpour
    Sinorock 2009, 2009
  23. "Investigation on creep behavior of salt rock under high tempreture with impression technique"
    Mahdi Moosavi, Mohammad Amin Jafari, Fatemeh Sadat Rassouli
    Sinorock2009, 2009
  24. "A review on physical modeling in geomechanics"
    Mahdi Moosavi, Ali Karimi, Mahdi Yousefi
    Sinorock2009, 2009
  25. "Dynamic analysis of Masjed Soleiman underground powerhouse cavern"
    Mahdi Moosavi, Hossein Zamani-nasab
    11th congress of the ISRM, 2007
  26. "Swelling pressure of mudstone under cyclic wetting and drying"
    R.. Dostmohammadi, Mahdi Moosavi, Mr Mutchler, Mr Osan
    11th congress of ISRM, 2007
  27. "Using ANN method for Prediction of pressure-deformation relation of solids"
    Mahdi Moosavi, R.. Dostmohammadi
    4th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2006
  28. "Pore collapse studies in deformable sandstones"
    Mostafa Hajzaman, Mahdi Moosavi
    3rd Petroleum Geomechanics Conference, 2019
  29. "A laboratory study on arching in stress measurement in sandstone media"
    Behnam Rahimi mohseni, Mahdi Moosavi
    3rd Petroleum Geomechanics Conference, 2019
  30. "Back Analysis with Ant Colony Algorithm (Lavarak HEPP)"
    Ebrahim Ghorbani, Mahdi Moosavi, Seyed Mohammad Faregh Hoseini, Mahdi Assari
    The 3rd regional and 12th national tunneling conference, 2017
  31. "A New Method for Evaluation of Swelling Potential in Argilivious Rocks"
    Milad Naderloo, Mahdi Moosavi, Reza Hajiloui
    6th iranian Rock mechanics Conference, 2017
  32. "Swelling in Argilicious rocks, mechanism and measuring Mwthods"
    Mahdi Moosavi
    6th Iranian Rock Mechanics Conference, 2017
  33. "Review of TBM Tunnelling chalenges in fractured rock masses"
    Ebrahim Ghorbani, Mahdi Moosavi
    6th Iranian Rock Mechanics Conference, 2017
  34. "A hydromechanical model for wellbore damage evaluation"
    Nader Ghasempour, Mahdi Moosavi, Muhammad Ali Agigi
    6th Iranian Rock Mechanics Conference, 2017
  35. "Effect of temperature on compressibility of rocks"
    Mahdi Moosavi, Mahsa Nikookar, Faezeh Farivar
    6th Iranian Rock Mechanics conference, 2017
  36. "Sand production mechanism and its controlling factors"
    Mahdi Moosavi
    The first conference on Petroleum Rock Mechanics, 2015
  37. "evaluation of indentation test on limestone for assessing uniaxial rock strength"
    Mohammad Haftani, Mohammad Reza Maleki Javan , Bahman Beloli, Mahdi Moosavi
    eigth conference on engineering geology and iranian environment, 2013
  38. "Using rock fragments for assessment of UCS of rock"
    Mohammad Haftani, Mohammad Reza Maleki Javan , Bahman Beloli, Mahdi Moosavi, Majid Moradi
    seventeenth conference of engineering Geology of Iran, 2013
  39. "Insitu stress measurement with HF method in Aras project"
    محمد حسین طالبی, Mahdi Moosavi, مرتضی رحیمی
    Seventh national construction congress, 2013
  40. "The method of dynamic analysis of rock slopes"
    Ahmad Zareei, Mahdi Moosavi
    First Iranian Mining technologies conference, 2012
  41. "Effect of light weight material in rebound of shotcrete"
    Ali Heydari, Mahdi Moosavi, Mohammad Shekarchi Zadeh, احسان آشوری
    The first Iranian light weight concrete, 2012
  42. "Effect of Using fibers in deformability og light weight shotcrete"
    Ali Heydari, احسان آشوری, Mahdi Moosavi
    The first Iranian light weight concrete, 2012
  43. "Estimation of rigidity factor in pressure cells in embankment dams"
    Mahdi Saeidi, Mahdi Moosavi, مجید طارمی
    First international and 3rd national conference on dam and hydro electric power houses, 2012
  44. "Manufacturing of joint laser scanner machine"
    Mahdi Moosavi, حسام الدین نبی زاده, محمد هادی مهران پور
    Production and manufacturing engineering, 2011
  45. "Instrumentation and monitoring in Geotechnical projects"
    Mahdi Moosavi, بابک الهیان
    First Asian and 9th national tunelling conference, 2011
  46. "Biot coefficient measurement in porous rocks"
    Mahdi Moosavi, Hani Asaei
    4th Iranian Rock mechanics Conference, 2011
  47. "Laboratory investigation of artificial rock joints"
    Hadi Atapoor, Mahdi Moosavi
    4th Iranian Rock Mechanics COnference, 2011
  48. "In situ stress measurement at Neyriz Mine with Undercoring technique"
    Hasan Mirzaei, Mahdi Moosavi, نادر قوامی
    4th Iranian Rock mechanics Conference, 2011
  49. "Probabilistic analysis of rock spalling in circular tunnels"
    Hosein Rafiei, Mahdi Moosavi
    4th Iranian Rock mechanics Conference, 2011
  50. "Reliability in Geotechnical Projects"
    Hosein Rafiei, Mahdi Moosavi
    4th Iranian Rock mechanics Conference, 2011
  51. "abc..."
    Hadi Atapoor, Mahdi Moosavi
    5th national congress on civil engineering, 2011
  52. "Effect of tempreture on geomechanical parameters of Gachsaran evaporates"
    Mostafa Gorgian, Mahdi Moosavi, Hossein Memarian, Ali Asghar Mir Mohammadlou
    14th conference of Iranian Geologists, 2010
  53. "Investigation on the effect of cohesion and friction angle of rock on dynamic response of tunnels"
    Mehdi Serati, Mahdi Moosavi
    3rd Iranian mining conference, 2010
  54. "Stability analysis of Metro tunnel"
    Mahdi Moosavi, Alireza Talebinejad, Hamid Chakeri
    8th tunnelling conference, 2009
  55. "Determining pressures on tunnels based on monitoring data"
    Masood Sadeghi, Mahdi Moosavi
    8th Iranian tunelling conference, 2009
  56. "Dynamic analysis of Aboozar tunnel against earthquake shake numerically"
    Mehdi Serati, Mahdi Moosavi, حسین شریعت علوی, ابوذر گلی
    8th Iranian tunelling conference, 2009
  57. "Swelling of argilitic rocks and its effect on dam tunnels"
    رامین دوست محمدی, Mahdi Moosavi
    Iranian National dam construction, 2008
  58. "Back analysis for stability analysis of clay zone in Pardis tunnels"
    Mahdi Moosavi, Mohammad Taghi Hamzaban
    7th Iranian tunnelling conference, 2006
  59. "A comprehensive study on bond capacity of cement grout to rock bolts"
    Mahdi Moosavi
    7th Iranian Tunnelling Conference, 2006