Mohammad Noaparast


Update: 2025-03-13

Mohammad Noaparast

College of Engineering / Mining Engineering

Journal Paper

  1. "Effect of water on the deep-eutectic solvent based on the choline chloride and p-toluenesulfonic acid: MD, DFT and experimental studies"
    Hossein Jafari, Mohammad Noaparast, Javad Moghaddam, Mahdi Mohseni, Ali Asghar Balesini
  2. "Dodecyl Amine Adsorption on the TiO2 (0 0 1) Surface and its Effect on the Surface Wettability: A molecular Dynamics Study"
    Sharmin Hashemi, Mohammad Noaparast, Amir Mabudi
  3. "Improving the roller screen efficiency to clssify green iron pellets using DEM simulation, novel roll design and implementing banana configuration"
    Mehrshad Asghari, Mohammad Noaparast, Mohammad Jahani Chegeni
    ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 35, No 11, pp.1-41, 2024
  4. "Implementation of DEM to calibrate contact parameters, as a novel simulation of the elastoplastic behavior of green iron pellet classified by roller screen"
    Mehrshad Asghari, Mohammad Noaparast, Mohammad Jahani Chegeni
    ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 35, No 5, pp.1-46, 2024
  5. "Recovery of iron ore from the tailings of Tang Zagh iron beneficiation plant: A comparative study of gravity and magnetic separation methods"
    Ali Zare, Mohammad Noaparast, Saeed Dehghan
    Journal of Geomine, Vol. 1, No 3, pp.137-143, 2024
  6. "Implementation of flotation to recover lead and barite from Komsheche Mine jig tailings"
    Arash Faramarz, Hassan Maleki, Mohammad Noaparast, Golnaz Jozanikohan, Hanieh Noeparast
    Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik, Vol. vol. 39, 2024
  7. "Investigation of cigarette effect and elastic-plastic behaviour of green iron pellets on the roller screen efficiency"
    Mehrshad Asghari, Mohammad Noaparast, Mohammad Jahani Chegeni
    ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 35, No 104321, pp.1-26, 2024
  8. "The optimization of the strontium compounds production, using celestine ore sample"
    Ardalan Alishahi, Mohammad Noaparast, Ali Rezaei Ashani, Marzieh Hoseini Nasab
    Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik, Vol. 38, pp.53-62, 2023
  9. "The effect of high voltage electric pulse on the coarse particle flotation of sulfur-bearing iron ore samples"
    VAHID SOLTANMOHAMMADI, Mohammad Noaparast, Soheila Aslani
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 57, No 3, pp.315-321, 2023
  10. "A Comparative Study of Malonic and L-Glutamic Acids for Metal Leaching from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries: Kinetic and Optimization Analysis"
    Lale Sohbat zadeh, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Ali Entezari-Zarandi
    Minerals, Vol. 13, No 1104, pp.1-21, 2023
  11. "Dissolution Kinetics of a Copper Oxide Ore Sample and Optimizing the Effective Parameters, Using Response Surface Methodology"
    Hassan Maleki, Sajjad Chehreghani, Mohammad Noaparast, Mirsaleh Mirmohammadi, Minoo Ghanbarzad
    Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik, Vol. 38, No 2, pp.75-85, 2023
  12. "Separation of molybdenite from chalcopyrite using ghaphene oxide as novel depressant"
    Afshin Namiranian, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    Archives of Mining Sciences, Vol. 68, No 1, pp.71-86, 2023
  13. "Optimization of flotation of the Qaleh Zari mine oxidized copper ore sample by the sequential sulfidation approach using the response method technique"
    Hassan Maleki, Mohammad Noaparast, Sajjad Chehreghani, Mirsaleh Mirmohammadi, Ali Rezaei
    Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik, Vol. 38, 2023
  14. "Application of amino acids for gold leaching: Effective parameters and the role of amino acid structure"
    Mojtaba Sarvar, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Ali Reza Badiei, Ahmad Amiri
    Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 391, No 136123, 2023
  15. "An Environmentally Friendly Method for Rrecovery of Metals from Cathode Material of Lithium-Ion Batteries using L-Glutamic, Malonic, and Ascorbic Acid"
    Lale Sohbat zadeh, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. 13, No 4, pp.1171-1188, 2022
  16. "Effect of air flow rate and froth depth on the flotation performance: An industrial case study in a 10 m<sup>3</sup> cell"
    Mahdi Ostadrahimi, Saeed Farrohkpay, Saeed Pirmoradi, Mohammad Noaparast
    Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, Vol. 58, No 5, pp.1-8, 2022
  17. "Modelling of limestone calcination for optimisation of parallel flow regenerative shaft kiln (PFR), case study: Iran Alumina Plant"
    Hosseinali Mirzaei, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi
    Archives of Mining Sciences, Vol. 67, No 2, pp.209-222, 2022
  18. "The effect of high voltage electrical pulses on iron ore comminution to improve desulfurization flotation recovery"
    VAHID SOLTANMOHAMMADI, Mohammad Noaparast, Soheila Aslani
    Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, Vol. 58, No 4, 2022
  19. "Selective precipitation of iron from multi-element PLS produced by atmospheric leaching of Ni-Co bearing laterite"
    Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 56, No 2, 2022
  20. "Optimization of Pyrite Bio-Oxidation to Produce Ferric Reagent for Sphalerite Leaching"
    Sina Ghassa, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Hadi Abdollahi, Fariborz Gharib, Sara Magdouli
    Journal of Hazardous Toxic and Radioactive Waste, Vol. 26, No 1, 2021
  21. "Investigation on the effects of chemical pretreatment on the iron ore tailing dewatering"
    Hassan Momghaderi, Shadi Aghababaei, Mahdi Gharabaghi, Mohammad Noaparast, Boris Albijanic, Ali Rezaei
  22. "The effect of inorganic acids on reducing iron impurities during iron-rich laterite ore leaching"
    Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 55, No 2, 2021
  23. "The Modeling and Optimization of Titanium Dioxide Extraction, Case study: The Slag Sample of Blast Furnace"
    Mohsen Fattahpoor, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Golnaz Jozanikohan, Mahdi Gharabaghi
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 55, No 1, pp.89-94, 2021
  24. "Direct and Indirect Bio-Leaching of Co and Ni from an Iron-Rich Laterite Ore using Delftia Acidovorans and Acidithiobacillus Ferrooxidans"
    Marzieh Hoseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. 12, No 3, 2021
  25. "Proving the existence of nanobubbles produced by hydrodynamic cavitation and their significant effects in powder flotation"
    Ziaddin Pourkarimi, Bahram Rezaei, Mohammad Noaparast, A.V. Nguyen, Saeid Chehreh Chelgani
  26. "Modeling and Optimizing Aluminum Hydroxide Precipitation Process in Industrial Scale; case study: Iran Alumina Plant"
    Hosseinali Mirzaei, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. 12, No 2, 2021
  27. "The effect of chemical composition and burning temperature on pellet quality"
    Aref Sardari, Eskandar Keshavarz Alamdari, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 54, No 1, 2020
  28. "Kinetics of two-step bioleaching of Ni and Co from iron rich-laterite using supernatant metabolites produced by Salinivibrio kushneri as halophilic bacterium"
    Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi, Mohammad Amozegar
    HYDROMETALLURGY, Vol. 195, No 1, 2020
  29. "Dissolution of Nickel and Cobalt from Iron-Rich Laterite Ores Using Different Organic Acids"
    Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. 1, No 1, 2020
  30. "Indirect bioleaching of Co and Ni from iron rich laterite ore, using metabolic carboxylic acids generated by P. putida, P. koreensis, P. bilaji and A. niger"
    Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi, Mohammad Amozegar
    HYDROMETALLURGY, Vol. 193, No 1, 2020
  31. "Dissolution optimization and kinetics of nickel and cobalt from iron‐rich laterite ore, using sulfuric acid at atmospheric pressure"
    Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi
  32. "A study on the effect of ultrasound irradiation as pretreatment method on flotation of sedimentary phosphate rock with carbonate-silicate gangue"
    Fatemeh Hasani, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, Vol. -published on line: 24 october 2019, 2019
  33. "A Study on the Recovery of Titanium Dioxide from Blast Furnace Slags via Roasting and Acid Leaching"
    Mohsen Fattahpoor, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Golnaz Jozanikohan, Mahdi Gharabaghi
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 53, No 2, 2019
  34. "Investigating the effects of particle size and dosage of talc nanoparticles as a novel solid collector in Quartz flotation"
    Abdolmotalleb Hajati, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Saeed Farrohkpay, Soheila Aslani
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 53, No 1, 2019
  35. "Effect of slime and impurity removal as a pre-treatment stage using a low-grade zinc-oxide sample"
    Aisan Ramadi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Armin Salsani
    Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals, Vol. 60, No 5, 2019
  36. "Dissolution of aluminum from metakaolin with oxalic, citric and lactic acids"
    Danyal Karbalaei Saleh, Hadi Abdollahi, Mohammad Noaparast, Alireza Fallah Nosratabad
    CLAY MINERALS, Vol. 28, No 1, pp.1-27, 2019
  37. "Dissolution of Al from metakaolin with carboxylic acids produced by Aspergillus niger, Penicillium bilaji, Pseudomonas putida, and Pseudomonas koreensis"
    Danyal Karbalaei Saleh, Hadi Abdollahi, Mohammad Noaparast, Alireza Fallah Nosratabad, Olli H. Tuovinen
    HYDROMETALLURGY, Vol. 1, No 1, 2019
  38. "Recent developments in configuration design and optimization of mineral separation circuits; A Review"
    Vahid Radmehr, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 53, No 1, 2019
  39. "A molecular dynamics study on the wettability of graphene-based silicon dioxides (glass) surface"
    Amir Mabudi, Mohammad Noaparast, Mahdi Gharabaghi, V.r. Vasquez
  40. "Prediction and optimization studies for bioleaching of molybdenite concenrate using artificial neural networksnd genetic algorithm"
    Hadi Abdollahi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Ata Akcil, Sandeep Panda, Mohammad Hazrati Kashi, Pouya Karimi
    MINERALS ENGINEERING, Vol. 130, 2019
  41. "Polystyrene nanoparticles as a flotation collector:A molecular dynamics study"
    Amir Mabudi, Mohammad Noaparast, Mahdi Gharabaghi, V.r. Vasquez
  42. "Optimizing flotation circuit recovery by effective stage arrangements: A case study1"
    Vahid Radmehr, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi
    Minerals, Vol. 8, No 417, 2018
  43. "A plant-scale validated MATLAB-based fuzzy expert system to control SAG mill circuits"
    Mehdi Hadizadeh, Akbar Farzanegan, Mohammad Noaparast
    Journal of Process Control, Vol. 70, No 3, 2018
  44. "A beneficiation study on a low grade iron ore by gravity and magnetic separation"
    Hossein Akbari, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Abdolmotalleb Hajati, Sajjad Aghazadeh, Hasan Akbari
    Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals, Vol. 59, No 4, 2018
  45. "Stage specialization for design and analysis of flotation circuits"
    Vahid Radmehr, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. 1, No 1, 2018
  46. "Cerium Extraction from Solution by Adsorbing Colloid Flotation (ACF)"
    Rezgar Badri, Mohammad Noaparast, Mahdi Gharabaghi
  47. "Prediction model to estimate the specific energy and product particle size distribution of semi-autogenous mill"
    Mohammad Razani, Abolfazl Masoumi, Masoud Rezaeizadeh, Mohammad Noaparast
  48. "Optimization of role of physical parameters in the filtration processing with focus on the fluid flow from pore"
    Hasan Momghaderi, Mahdi Gharabaghi, Mohammad Noaparast
    MINERALS ENGINEERING, Vol. -, No 122, 2018
  49. "A comparative study of two-stage flotation of Zn and Pb oxide minerals using anionic, cationic, and mixed (cationic/anionic) collectors"
    Meysam Salehfard, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Hadi Abdollahi
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. 1, No 1, 2018
  50. "A novel theory for energy considerations in breakage function"
    Majid Zolghadri, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 331, pp.338-345, 2018
  51. "Recovery of coal particles from a tailing dam for environmental protection and economical beneficiations"
    Mehrshad Asghari, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Sina Ghassa, Saeid Chehreh Chelgani
    International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, Vol. 5, No 2, pp.253-263, 2018
  52. "Copper Recovery from Chalcopyrite Flotation Concentrate Using Mixed Mesophilic Strains Subjected to Microwave and Ultrasound Irradiation"
    Mehdi Royaei, Ahmad Ali Pourbabaee, Mohammad Noaparast
    IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, Vol. 2, No 8, 2018
  53. "Response of low-grade gold ore to cyanidation and thiourea leaching"
    Yaser Olyaei, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, HAMED HAGHI, Ahmad Amini
    PARTICULATE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 37, No 1, pp.86-93, 2017
  54. "Moderate Thermophilic Bioleaching of Cu, Mo and Re from Molybdenite Concentrate: Effects of Silver Ion, Medium and Energy Sources"
    Hadi Abdollahi, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Zahra Manafi
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 51, No 2, 2017
  55. "The role of catalyst in chalcopyrite passivation during leaching"
    Sogra Salehi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 51, No 1, 2017
  56. "A study on the zinc sulfide dissolution kinetics with biological and chemical ferric reagents"
    Sina Ghassa, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Hadi Abdollahi, Mahdi Gharabaghi, Zohreh Boruomand
    HYDROMETALLURGY, Vol. 171, pp.362-373, 2017
  57. "Bonded-particcle model calibration using response surface"
    Sajjad Chehrehghani, Mohammad Noaparast, Bahram Rezai, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    PARTICUOLOGY, Vol. 32, 2017
  58. "Evaluating the Effect of Feed Particles Size and Their Hardness on the Particle Size Distribution of Semi-Autogenous (SAG) Mill’s Product"
    Mohammad Razani, Abolfazl Masoumi, Masoud Rezaeizadeh, Mohammad Noaparast
  59. "Effective parameters on generation of nanobubbles by cavitation method for both flotation applications"
    Ziaddin Pourkarimi, Bahram Rezai, Mohammad Noaparast
    Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, Vol. 53, No 2, 2017
  60. "A Study on the Effects of Ultrasonic Irradiation as Pretreatment Method on High-Ash Coal Flotation and Kinetics"
    Azam Ghadyani, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.1-18, 2017
  61. "Supervisory Fuzzy Expert Controller for Sag Mill Grinding Circuits: Sungun Copper Concentrator"
    Mehdi Hadizadeh, Akbar Farzanegan, Mohammad Noaparast
    Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, Vol. 38, No 3, pp.168-179, 2017
  62. "A New Experimental Approach to Improve the Quality of Low Grade Silica; The Combination of Indirect Ultrasound Irradiation with Reverse Flotation and Magnetic Separation"
    Hamed Haghi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mirsaleh Mirmohammadi
    Minerals, Vol. 6, No 4, 2016
  63. "A mathematical model to simulate Heap (bio)-leaching process: An exact conceptual model, Homotopy theory and comparative insights with conventional methods"
    Mehdi Yaghobi Moghaddam, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani
    International Journal of Modeling Simulation and Scientific Computing, Vol. 8, No 1, 2016
  64. "Germanium separation and purification by leaching and precipitation"
    Saeid Bayat, Sajjad Aghazadeh, Mohammad Noaparast, Mahdi Gharabaghi, Behrooz Taheri
    Journal of Central South University, Vol. 23, No 9, pp.2214-2222, 2016
  65. "Kinetics of chalcopyrite galvanic leaching using sulfate medium at low temperature in the Galvanox (TM) process"
    Sogra Salehi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 50, No 2, 2016
  66. "Bioleaching of a low grade sphalerite concentrate produced from tailings flotation"
    Javad Vazifeh Mehrabani, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Seid Mousavi
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 50, No 2, 2016
  67. "Response Surface Methodology (RSM) for Optimization of Chalcpyrite Concentrate Leaching with Silver-Coated Pyrite"
    Soghra Salehi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, Vol. 52, No 2, 2016
  68. "Novel application of talc nanoparticles as collector in flotation"
    Abdolmotalleb Hajati, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, S.. Farrokhpay, Soheila Aslani
    RSC Advances, Vol. 6, No 100, pp.98096-98103, 2016
  69. "leaching optimisation of oxide copper ore from Meskani mine"
    Sajjad Aghazadeh, Yaser Olyaei, Mohammad Noaparast
    International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering, Vol. 6, No 4, 2015
  70. "Synergism effect of collectors on copper recovery in flotation of copper smelting slags"
    Mostafa Shamsi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mahdi Gharabaghi
    Geosystem Engineering, Vol. 6, No 18, pp.1-12, 2015
  71. "Investigation of screening performance of banana screens using LIGGGHTS DEM solver"
    Mohammad Jahani, Akbar Farzanegan, Mohammad Noaparast
    POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 283, pp.32-47, 2015
  72. "Effect of grinding time on flotation recovery of copper smelting slags in Bardaskan district"
    Mostafa Shamsi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mahdi Gharabaghi, Soheila Aslani
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. 6, No 2, 2015
  73. "Optimization of uranium Adsorption Process using TOAFMNPs as a novel adsorbent from ...."
    Nemat Mansoori, Kamal Saberyan, Mohammad Noaparast
    Oriental Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 31, No 1, 2015
  74. "Empirical model for bio-extraction of copper from low grade ore using response surface methodology"
    Mahdi Yaghobi Moghaddam, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Hadi Abdollahi, Mohammad Reza Ranjbar, Mmm Schaffie, Zahra Manafi
  75. "An investigation of the corrosive wear of steel balls in grinding of sulphide ores"
    Asghar Azizi, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Mohammad Karamoozian
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 49, No 1, 2015
  76. "Acidic Leaching with Chlorate as Oxidizing Agent to Extract Mo and Re from Molybdenite Flotation Concentrate in a Copper Plant"
    Hadi Abdollahi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Zahra Manafi, Ceren Erust, Ata Akcil
  77. "Silver-catalyzed bioleaching of copper, molybdenum and rhenium from a chalcopyrite-molybdenite concenrate"
    Hadi Abdollahi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Zahra Manafi, Jesus A. Munoz, Olli H. Tuovinen
    International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, Vol. 104, 2015
  78. "Hydrochemical characterisation of water quality in the sarcheshmeh copper complex, SE Iran"
    سجاد جان نثار ملکوتی, Majid Shahhosseiny, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast
    Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.1-20, 2015
  79. "Changes and emoval of different sulfur forms after chemical desulfurization by peroxyacetic acid on microwavw treated coals"
    Shaahin Mesroghli, J.. Yperman, Esmaeil Jorjani, J.. Vandewijngaaden, G.. Reggers, R.. Carleer, Mohammad Noaparast
    FUEL, Vol. 154, pp.59-70, 2015
  80. "Evaluation of microwave treatment on coal structure and sulfur species by reductive pyrolysis-mass spectrometry method"
    Shaahin Mesroghli, J.. Yperman, اسماعیل جرجانی, R.. Carleer, Mohammad Noaparast
    FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 131, No 2015, 2014
  81. "Optimization of Cyanidation Parameters to Increase the Capacity of Aghdarre Gold Ore"
    Bahman Ghobadi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Majid Unesi
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. 5, No 2, pp.121-128, 2014
  82. "Modeling the effects of ore properties on water recovery in the thickening process"
    مجید یونسی, Mohammad Noaparast
    International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, Vol. 21, No 9, 2014
  83. "Adsortion of U(VI) from aqueous solution by Triocthylamine (TOA) functionalized ..."
    Nemat Mansoori, Kamal Saberyan, Mohammad Noaparast
    Journal of Advances in Chemistry, Vol. 10, No 3, 2014
  84. "Adsorption of vanadium (V) from acidic solutions by using octylamine functionalized magnetite nanoparticles as a novel adsorbent"
    Masomeh Kordparjaei, Mohammad Noaparast, کمال صابریان
  85. "Nickle extraction from low grade laterite by agitation leaching at atmospheric pressure"
    Mohammad Reza Fatahi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, Vol. 24, No 1, pp.543-548, 2014
  86. "The effect of ore properties on the characterization of suspention in settling and compression"
    مجید یونسی, Mohammad Noaparast, اسماعیل جرجانی
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 48, No 1, pp.101-114, 2014
  87. "The role of ore properties in thichening process"
    Majid Unesi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Esmaeil Jorjani
    Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, Vol. 50, No 2, 2014
  88. "Separation of hafnium and zircinium using TBP modified ferromagnetic nanoparticles: Effects of acid and metals concentrations"
    Mohsen Aliakbari, Kamal Saberyan, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi, Ata Akcil
    HYDROMETALLURGY, Vol. 146, No 1, pp.72-75, 2014
  89. "The effect of different additives and medium on the bioleaching of molybdenite for Cu and Mo extraction using mix mesophilic microorganism"
    Hadi Abdollahi, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Zahra Manafi, Nnn Aslan, A.. Akcil
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 47, No 1, 2014
  90. "Mesophilic and thermophilic bioleaching of copper from a chalcopyrite-containing molybdenite concentrate"
    Hadi Abdollahi, Mohammad Noaparast, Zahra Manafi, Sepo Niemela, Olli Tuovinen
  91. "Geochemical and Mineralogical characterization of a Pyritic waste pile at te Anjir Tangeh washing plant, Zirabm Northern Iran"
    Majid Shahhosseiny, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Dariush Hamidi
    Mine Water and the Environment, Vol. 32, No 2, 2013
  92. "Removal of copper from molybdenite concentrate by mesophilic and extreme thermophilic microorganisms"
    Hadi Abdollahi, Zahra Manafi, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Navid Manafi Moorkani
    International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, Vol. 1, No 1, 2013
  93. "Modeling and Optimizing the corrosive wear of steel balls in ball grinding mill"
    Asgar Azizi, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Mohammad Karamoozian
    Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 10, No 4, pp.1-14, 2013
  94. "A developed approach based on grinding time to determine ore comminution properties"
    Negar Saeidi, Mohammad Noaparast, Daruish Azzizi, Soheila Aslani, Aisan Ramadi
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.105-112, 2013
  95. "Bioleaching of high pyrite carbon-rich sphalerite prefloation tailings"
    Javad Vazifeh Mehrabani, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Seid Mohammad Mousavi
    Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 71, No 11, pp.4675-4682, 2013
  96. "Galvanic interaction between chalopyrite and pyrite with low alloy and high carban chromium steel ball"
    رامین عزیزی, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Mohammad Karamoozian
    E-Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.1-9, 2013
  97. "Characterization of the Sarcheshmeh copper mine tailings, Kerman province, southeast of Iran"
    Sajjad Jannesar Malakooti, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Reza Naseh
    Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 71, No 5, pp.2267-2291, 2013
  98. "bioleaching of sphalerite sample from Kooshk lead-zinc tailing dam"
    Javad Vazifeh Mehrabani, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, مجتبی موسوی, Mohammad Rajaei
  99. "Bio-dissolution of Cu Mo and Re from molybdenite concentrate using mix mesophilic microorganism in shake flask"
    Hadi Abdollahi , Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Zahra Manafi , Nezvat Aslan
  100. "Implementation of flotation and gravity separation, to process Changarzeh sulfide - oxide lead ore"
    Avishan Atrafi , Hayede Hodjatoleslami , Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Ali Ghorbani
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. 3, No 2, pp.79-87, 2012
  101. "Modeling and optimization of low - grade Mn bearing ore leaching using response surface methodology and central composite rotatable design"
    Dariush Azizi , Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi
  102. "The effect of Dimentionless Parameters on Coal Flotation"
    Behzad Shahbazi , Bahram Rezai , Seyed Mohammad Javad Koleini , Mohammad Noaparast
    International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, Vol. 32, No 4, pp.157-168, 2012
  103. "The Empirical Prediction of Gas Dispersion Parameters on Mechanical Flotation Cells"
    Behzad Shahbazi , Bahram Rezai , Seyed Mohammad Javad Koleini , Mohammad Noaparast
    Engineering, Vol. 4, No 1, pp.11-17, 2012
  104. "A Method to Determine the Ball Filling in Miduk Copper Cpncentrator SAG Mill"
    Ali Kamali Moaveni , Mohammad Noaparast, Bahram Rezai
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 45, No 1, pp.15-19, 2011
  105. "Coal Recycling from Tailings using Flotation with 2 - Level Experimental Design Techniques"
    Sajjad Jannesar Malakooti , Amin Joudaki , Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Soheila Aslani, Golnaz Jozanikohan , Ali Ghorbani
    International Journal of Green Nanotechnology: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 45, No 1, pp.1-13, 2011
  106. "Double reverse flotation of a very low grade sedimentary phosphate rock rich in carbonate and silicate"
    Mohammad Mohammadkhani , Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Iman Amini , Ahmad Amini , Hadi Abdollahi
  107. "Evaluation of the replacement of NaCN with acidithiobacillus ferrooxdans in the flotation of high - pyrite low - grade lead - zinc ore"
    جواد وظیفه مهربانی , سید محمد موسوی , Mohammad Noaparast
    SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 2, No 80, pp.202-208, 2011
  108. "A novel approach to optimize grinding circuits - modelling strategy to monitor ball mill particle size distribution data at Lakan plant"
    Abdolmotalleb Hajati , Seyyed Ziaeddin Shafaei Tonekaboni , Mohammad Noaparast
  109. "A novel approach to optimize grinding circuits-modelling strategy to monitor ball mill particle size distribution data at Lakan plant1"
    A Hajati , Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast
    Iranian Journal of Science Technology Transaction B Engineering, Vol. 35, No 1, pp.85-100, 2011
  110. "Influence of flotation parameters on decreasing sulfur and phosphorus content in the GOL - e - GOHAR iron ore concentrate"
    Vahid Soltanmohammadi , Mohammad Noaparast, Amir Hossein Kohsari , Farshid Zamani
    Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, Vol. 46, No 2011, pp.173-190, 2011
  111. "Application of SPI for Modeling energy consumption in Sarcheshmeh SAG and Ball Mills"
    Mohamad Jahani , Mohammad Noaparast, Akbar Farzanegan, Gholamreza Langarizadeh
    Journal of Mining and Environment (JME),, Vol. 2, No 1, pp.27-40, 2011
  112. "Mineralogical and sink - float studis of Jajarm low - grade bauxite"
    Mohammad Zarbayani , Esmaeil Jorjani , Mirsaleh Mirmohammadi, Mohammad Taghi Shadloo , Mohammad Noaparast
    International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, Vol. 17, No 3, pp.251-256, 2010
  113. "Process optimization and modelling of sphalerite flotation from a low - grade Zn - Pb ore using response surface methodology"
    J V Mehrabani , Mohammad Noaparast, Seyed Mohamad Mousavi , Reza Dehghan , Ali Ghorbani
    SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 72, No 3, pp.242-249, 2010
  114. "The Arghash Gold Ore Sample Treatment"
    A Mahmoudi , Soheila Aslani, Ali Ghorbani , Mohammad Noaparast
  115. "Depression of pyrite in the flotation of high pyrite low-grade lead–zinc ore using Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans"
    J V Mehrabani , Mohammad Noaparast, S M Mousavi , R Dehghan , E Rasooli , H Hajizadeh
    MINERALS ENGINEERING, Vol. 1, No 23, pp.10-16, 2010
  116. "Tailings Management and leaching kinetics in iron removal from Kaolin washing plants Tailings"
    Mahdi Gharabaghi , Bahram Rezai , Mahdi Irannajad , Mohammad Noaparast
    SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 45, No 3, pp.427-432, 2010
  117. "application of response surface method and contral composit design for modeling and optimization of gold amd silver recovery in cyanidation process"
    Poya Karimi , Hadi Abdollahi , Nezvat Aslan , Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, Vol. 32, No 1, pp.1-16, 2010
  118. "Leaching and Kinetic Modelling of Low - grade Calcareous Sphalerite in acidic ferric chloride Solution"
    Reza Dehghan , Mohammad Noaparast, Mohammad Kolah Douzan
    HYDROMETALLURGY, Vol. 96, No 4, pp.275-282, 2009
  119. "Hydrodynamic and kinetic characterization of industrial columns in rougher circuit"
    Mohammad Massinaei , Mohammad Kolah Douzan, Mohammad Noaparast, Manoochehr Oliazadeh , J Yianatos , Reza Shamsadini , Ali Yarahmadi
    MINERALS ENGINEERING, Vol. 22, No 4, pp.357-365, 2009
  120. "Froth zone characterization of an industrial floattion column in rougher circuit"
    Mohammad Massinaei , Mohammad Kolah Douzan, Mohammad Noaparast, Manoochehr Oliazadeh , J Yianatos , Mli Yarahmadi
    MINERALS ENGINEERING, Vol. 22, No 3, pp.272-278, 2009
  121. "Occurrence mechanism of silicate and aluminosilicate minerals in Sarcheshmeh copper flotation concentrate"
    Mohammad Noaparast, A Eslami , E Jorjani , H R Barkhordari
    International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, Vol. 16, No 5, pp.494-499, 2009
  122. "A Novel Semiautogenous mill liner wear kinetics model"
    Mohammad Karamoozian , Seyed Ziaedin Shafaei , Reza Kakaie , Mohammad Noaparast, Sedigheh Zeidabadi
    International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. -, 2009
  123. "Determination of optimum conditions to remove sulfur and phosphor from Go; - e - Gohar iron ore concentrate"
    Vahid Soltanmohammadi , Mohammad Noaparast, Amir Hossien Kohsari , Farshid Zamani
  124. "Statistical evaluation and optimization of factors affacting the leaching performance of a spalerite concentrate"
    Reza Dehghan Simkani , Mohammad Noaparast, Mohammad Kolah Douzan, Mohammad Mousavi
  125. "Evaluation of grinding circuit performance in Esfordi Phosphate Processing plant"
    Esmaeil Janjani , Seyed Ziaodin Shafaeei , Ziyaoddin Pourkarimi , Ali Dehghan Ahmadabadi , Mohammad Noaparast
  126. "Mixing characteristics of industrial columns in rougher circuit"
    Mohammad Massinaei , Mohammad Kolah Douzan, Mohammad Noaparast, Manoochehr Oliazadeh , Mehdi Sahafipour , Jimz Finch
    MINERALS ENGINEERING, Vol. 20, No 15, pp.1360-1367, 2007
    Mehdi Gharabagh , Mohammad Noaparast, Szs Tonkaboni
    IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, Vol. 31, pp.447-450, 2007
    Ziyaedin Pourkarimi , Dehghani Amadabadi , Mohammad Noaparast, Seyed Ziyaedin Shafaei , Esmail Jorjani
    ICASTOR Journal of Engineering, Vol. 2, No 1, pp.45-55, 2007
  129. "A study of Liner/Lifter Wear in Chadormalu Semi - Autogenous Mills"
    Mohammad Noaparast, Babak Fotoohi
  130. "Hardgrove Index Estimation of Ccoal, Using its Characteristics and Sink - Float Data"
    Mohammad Noaparast, H Hendizadeh
  131. "Enrichment of a Hard - Rock Gold ore using Flotation and Cyanidation"
    Babak Fotoohi , Mohammad Noaparast, Manoochehr O'lia Zadeh
    Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 1, No 4, pp.39-46, 2004
  132. "Comparison of NaOL adsoption on the Hematite 001 surface with water molecules adsoption on the hydrophilic Hematite surface using molecular dynamics simulation"
    Shermin Hashemi, Mohammad Noaparast, امیر معبودی
    Journal of Mineral Resources Engineering, Vol. 9, No 1, pp.103-114, 2024
  133. "Analytical modeling the heap bioleaching process"
    Mahdi Yaghobi Moghaddam, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 12, No 34, 2017
  134. "Evaluation of Flotation Circuit Layout by combining Linear Circuit Analysis and Signal Flow Diagram, Case study: Galehzari Copper Mine"
    Vahid Radmehr, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 11, No 32, 2016
  135. "Experimental and numerical investigation of liner profile impacts on comminution performance of SAG mill in Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex"
    Mohammad Razani, Abolfazl Masoumi, Masoud Rezaeizadeh, Mohammad Noaparast
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 16, No 7, 2016
  136. "Mathematical modelling of the pyrite and chalcopyrite oxidation and pollutant transportation in the tailings of the Sarcheshmeh copper mine"
    Sajjad Jannesar Malakoti, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 9, No 23, 2014
  137. "Investigation of Zn extraction from Kooshk lead- Zinc tailing dam using Geocoat method"
    Javad Vazifeh Mehrabani, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Seyed Mohammad Mousavi
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 8, No 20, 2013
  138. "Extraction of vanadium from acidic solution using Alamine 336 extractants and ..."
    Masomeh Kord Parijani, Kamal Saberian, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 8, No 18, 2013
  139. "modeling of power consumption in the Sarcheshmeh copper concentration ..."
    Mohammad Noaparast, محمد جهانی , Akbar Farzanegan, غلامرضا لنگری زاده
    journal o separation science and engineering, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.49-63, 2012
  140. "Determining and scale up of size reduction kinetics rate constant for Sangan placer iron ore"
    قربان ارجمند , Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Akbar Farzanegan, نعیمه غفاری توران
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 6, No 13, pp.61-69, 2011
  141. "Bacterial dissolvtion of Pyrite to produce ferric ion"
    علی زرین پور , اسماعیل دره زرشکی , Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, زهرا منافی
    journal o separation science and engineering, Vol. 3, No 1, pp.1-7, 2011
  142. "The Seh-Chahoon Ball mill simulation results comparison, using MODSIM, COMSIM, BMCS"
    لیلا پرنده , علی دهقانی , مهدی خسروی , Mohammad Noaparast
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 6, No 11, pp.35-41, 2011
  143. "Study on the first and second hydrocyclones performance in size reduction cicuits of Esfordi"
    علی دهقانی احمدآبادی , ضیاءالدین پورکریمی , Mohammad Noaparast
    University, Vol. 43, No 3, pp.259-269, 2009
  144. "Study on the concenrating of sulfide-oxidixed low grade of lead using flotation and gravity methods"
    گلناز جوزانی کهن , هایده حجت الاسلامی , سیدضیاالدین شفایی تنکابنی , آویشن عطرفی , علی قربانی , Mohammad Noaparast
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 4, No 8, pp.39-49, 2009
  145. "Simulation of Esfordi Phosphate mineral processing comminution circuits, using BMCS"
    ضیاءالدین پورکریمی , علی دهقانی احمدآبادی , Mohammad Noaparast, سید ضیاءالدین شفایی , محمدرضا سلطانی
    University, Vol. 43, No 3, pp.239-248, 2009
  146. "goshfil mine"
    امیر خیرآبادی , Mohammad Noaparast, Soheila Aslani, علی قربانی
    University, Vol. 43, No 3, pp.249-257, 2009
  147. "Optimization of the Acidic leaching parameters, using Khashomi Uranium ore sample"
    فرزانه رحمتی , Mohammad Noaparast, علی حسین علاقبند
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.31-39, 2007
  148. "تاثیر ابعاد سرند کنترل در پیش بینی اندیس کار باند"
    بهرام رضایی , Mohammad Noaparast, مهدی نورمحمدی
    International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, Vol. 18, No 4, pp.65-69, 2007
  149. "مقایسه روش های ثقلی و مغناطیسی با سیانوراسیون جهت پرعیارسازی کانسنگ های غیر مقاوم طلا"
    Mohammad Noaparast, رحمان احمدی , منوچهر اولیازاده
    International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, Vol. 17, No 3, pp.75-83, 2006
  150. "study on the reduction of iron oxide from silica Ghermezabad mine by flotation"
    Mohammad Noaparast, Mohammad Kolah Douzan, رجب اصغری
    International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Management, Vol. 15, No 5, 2005
  151. "تعیین رابطه بین قابلیت خردایش باندو هاردگرو بر مبنای مطالعات آزمایشگاهی"
    بهرام رضایی , Mohammad Noaparast, مسعودغراوی , مهدی نورمحمدی
    Amirkabir (Journal of Science and Technology), Vol. 19, No 59, pp.84-90, 2004
  152. "Processing of low grade fine Manganese ore Using flotation method"
    Manouchehr Oliyazadeh Khorakchi, Mohammad Noaparast, Reza Dehghan Simakani
    استقلال, Vol. سال 21, No 2, 2003
  153. "Effect of control screen size variation on the ore's work index estimation"
    Mohammad Noaparast, Maryam Delavarian
    University, Vol. 35, No 3, 2001

Conference Paper

  1. "Optimization of sulfidation flotation of Qaleh Zari mine oxidized copper ore sample using response surface method technique"
    [] [], Mohammad Noaparast, سجاد حقیر چهره قانی, Ali Rezaei
    11th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference and 7th International Mine & Mining Industries Congress, 2023
  2. "The application of ultrasonic waves for flotation of sedimentary phosphate from Lar Mountain deposit"
    Fatemeh Hasani, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    The 36th National and 3rd International Geosciences Congress, 2018
    Mohammad Jahani, Akbar Farzanegan, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS), 2016
  4. "Application of Shaking Table Scheelite Enrichment from Nezam-Abad Mine Using Box-Behnken Design"
    Saeed Mohammdnejad, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Yaser Olyaei, Hamed Haghi, Seid M. Hosseini
    XVI Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, 2015
  5. "Copper Recovery from Meskani Oxide Ore Using Heap Leaching"
    Ali Rezaei, Yaser Olyaei, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Hamed Haghi, Ali Allahverdi
    XVI Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, 2015
  6. "The Extraction of Gold from the Hamzeh-Qarnein Ore by Heap Leaching in laboratory Scale"
    Yaser Olyaei, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, احمد امینی, Hamed Haghi
    XVI Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, 2015
  7. "Bacterial Growth Investigation and Kinetic Modeling for Thiobacillus ferrooxidans"
    Mehdi Yaghobi Moghaddam, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani
    1st International and 9th National Biotechnology Congress of Islamic Republic of Iran, 2015
  8. "Kinetic Modeling of the Iron Extraction for Bioleaching of Low Grade Copper Ore Using Mesophilic and Thermophilic Bacteria based on Shrinking Core Model"
    Mehdi Yaghobi Moghaddam, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani
    1st International and 9th National Biotchnology Congress of Islamic Republic of Iran, 2015
  9. "Recovery of copper from slags and effluent of plants and mines"
    Mostafa Shamsi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mahdi Gharabaghi
    Second National Conference on chemistry and earth science, 2015
  10. "Reduction of lead and zinc loss in preconcentration process of Koushk flotation circuit"
    Hamid Reza Jalilian, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Hamed Haghi
    14th International Mineral Processing Symposium & Exhibition, 2014
  11. "The Optimzation of Cyanidation for Hamzeh-Qarnen Gold Ore"
    Yaser Olyaei, Hamed Haghi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, احمد امینی
    14th International Mineral Processing Symposium & Exhibition, 2014
  12. "Optmisaztion of Meidook copper mine sample using design of experiment method"
    Yaser Moazemi, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Mahdi Gharabaghi
    1st international earth sceince congress, 2014
  13. "Optimizing leaching of low grade Calcareous Phosphate Ore in Acetic Acid"
    Vahid Ramezanzadeh, Akbar Farzanegan, Mohammad Noaparast, Mahdi Gharabaghi, م قربانی
    11th International Mineral Processing Symposium, 2013
  14. "Introducing an empirical new model to predict SAG mill power consumption"
    Mohammad Jahani, Mohammad Noaparast, Akbar Farzanegan, Mehdi Yaghobi Moghaddam
    IMCET-2013, 2013
  15. "Mineralogical and geochemical studies on pyrite and chalcopyrite oxidations in the Sarcheshmeh copper mine tailings"
    Sajjad Jannesar Malakooti, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Esmail soleymani, Esmat Esmaeilzadeh
    International Mine Water Association Annual Conference 2012, 2012
  16. "Investigation of the quality of water samples in the entrance and effluents from the Sarcheshmeh copper mine tailings dam"
    Sajjad Jannesar Malakooti, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Reza Naseh, Hosein Saadloo
    International Mine Water Association Annual Conference 2012, 2012
  17. "Optimization studies on coal Bio-Flotation in double discharge flotation cell"
    Mohammad Noaparast, Aly Ghadyani, حامد حقی
    XXVI International Mineral Processing Conference 2012, 2012
  18. "Cu recovery from copper smelter slag sample, using flotation with two-level fractional design approach"
    Aghil Veiskarami, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mahdi Gharabaghi
    1st International conference on Mining, Mineral Processing, Metallurgical and Environmental Engineering, 2012
  19. "Effect of Bond Ball Mill Revolution on Work Index"
    Mohammad Noaparast, آیسان رمادی, فرزین صدوق عباسیان, علی قربانی
    16th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing, 2012
  20. "The effect of collision and detachment frequency on k-Sb relationship"
    بهرام رضائی, بهزاد شهبازی, mehdi rahimi, Mohammad Noaparast
    22nd World Mining Congress, 2011
  21. "Pyrite Oxidation in the Sarcheshmeh Copper Mine Tailings Dam Kerman Iran"
    Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, سجاد جان نثار ملکوتی, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Raghu Singh, Esmail soleymani, Mohammad Noaparast, رضا ناصح
    11th IMWA Congree, 2011
  22. "Work index parameters modeling using Miduk copper ore"
    Mohammad Noaparast, سروش رحمتی شهرضا, Golnaz Jozanikohan, Soheila Aslani, علی قربانی
    15th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing, 2011
  23. "Flotation of green Phosphate sample of Esfordi Phosphate Mine"
    م دهقانی, امین استوار, Mohammad Noaparast, مجید طاطاری, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    22nd Internation Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, 2011
  24. "Iron removal from Mehran Fireclay sample by dry magnetic separation"
    امین استوار, م دهقانی, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    22nd International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, 2011
  25. "Removal of ultrafine iron impurities from clay in designed Experiments by Taghuchi method"
    امین استوار, Mohammad Noaparast
    International Congress of Mining 1389, 2010
  26. "The effect of reagents distribution on Zirab coal recovery using flotation kinetics"
    مجید یونسی, بهرام رضایی, Mohammad Noaparast, محمود مهدی زاده
    International Congress of Mining 1389, 2010
  27. "Flotation of High Grade iron sample of Esfordi Phosphate ore in order to increase phosphate grade and recovery"
    م دهقانی, امین استوار, Mohammad Noaparast
    International Congree of Mining 1389, 2010
  28. "Reduction of iron content from Shenin silica mine by reverse flotation"
    حامد حقی, Mohammad Noaparast, اعظم قدیانی, علی قربانی
    XIIth Internation Mineral Processing Symposium IMPS 2010, 2010
  29. "Reduction of iron content from silica by gravitational process"
    حامد حقی, Mohammad Noaparast, امیر شعبانی, ام فرخ روز, اعظم قدیانی, علی قربانی, مهدی شورینی, مایده طیبی
    XXv Internation Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC 20101, 2010
  30. "Coal recycling of jigs tails from Anjir-Tangeh coal washing plant using flotation method"
    سجاد جان نثار ملکوتی, امین جودکی, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, علی قربانی
    14th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing, 2010
  31. "Bactreial effect on the Pyrite Flotation"
    جواد مهربانی, Mohammad Noaparast, سیدمحمد موسوی
    14th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing, 2010
  32. "Application of hot acidic scrubbing and hot agitated leaching for iron removal from Shenin silica Mine"
    Mohammad Noaparast, Hamed Haghi
    13th Conference on the Environment and Mineral Processing, 2009
  33. "Processing of low grade lead ores, Case Study: Changarzeh Mine of Natanz"
    Hayedeh Hodjatoleslami, Avishan Atrafi, Ziadin Shafaei, Mohammad Noaparast
    13th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing, 2009
  34. "The Arghash sulfide gold ore sample treatment"
    Abbas Mahmoodi, Mohammad Noaparast, Ali Ghobani
    13th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing, 2009
  35. "Investigation on the flotation of low grade lead ore from Changarzeh deposit"
    Avishan Atrafi, Hayedeh Hojatoleslami, Mohammad Noaparast, Ziaedin Shafaei, Sadegh Ghasemi
    XIII Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, 2009
  36. "The Arghash gold oxidized ore sample treatment"
    Abbas Mahmoodi, Mohammad Noaparast, Ali Ghorbani
    XIII Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, 2009
  37. "Investigation of the various processes of acidic leaching for iron removal from silica with statistical methods"
    Mohammad Noaparast, H Haghi, A Ghadyani, M AmiriParian
    XIII Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, 2009
  38. "The effect of fine particles in apatite flotation using optimization methods, case study: Esfordi Phosphate plant"
    H Haghi, A Ghadyani, Mohammad Noaparast, B Biranvand, SZ Shafaei, M AmiriParian, MR Soltani
    XIII Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, 2009
  39. "The comparison of main cyanidation parameters between Hirad & Latala gold ores"
    Pouya Karimi, Hadi Abdollahi, Ahmad Amini, Mohammad Noaparast
    XIII Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, 2009
  40. "Optimization of coal flotation in double discharge flotation cell using Taguchi method"
    A Ghadyani, H Haghi, M Kolahdoozan, Mohammad Noaparast
    XIII Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, 2009
  41. "Optimization of grinding circuit in a phosphate plant by adding a spiral classifier"
    SZ Shafaei, Mohammad Noaparast, M Karamoozian, M Soltani, G Jozanikohan
    Physical Separation 09, 2009
  42. "An Investigation on the Flotation Recovery of Sphalerite, Using a Low Grade Lead-Zinc Ore"
    Mohammad Noaparast, رضا دهقان سیمکانی, Mohammad Kolah Douzan
    11th International Mineral Processing Symposium, 2008
  43. "Kinetics and Mechanism of the Atmospheric Leaching, Using a Low Grade Sphalerite Concentrate: Statistical Optimization"
    رضا دهقان سیمکانی, Mohammad Noaparast, Mohammad Kolah Douzan
    11th International Mineral Processing Symposium, 2008
  44. "Reduction of Iron Content from Silica Sand by Scrubbing Process"
    Mohammad Noaparast, حامد حقی, علی قربانی
    11th International Mineral Processing Symposium, 2008
  45. "Investigation of ball size effects on Esfordi ore breakage parameters"
    Mohammad Noaparast, علی دهقانی احمد ابادی, ضیاالدین پورکریمی, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    11th Internaional Mineral Processing Symposium, 2008
  46. "Flotation and bioleaching approach for low grade copper recovery"
    Zahra Karimian, Hassan Maleki, Soheila Aslani, Mohammad Noaparast, علی رضایی آشنی, Minoo Ghanbarzad
    13th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference and 8th International Congress of Mining and Mining Industries, 2025
  47. "Decreasing iron content in silica sample, using magnetic separation"
    Mohammad Hossein Eksiri, Iliya Talaschian, Mohammad Noaparast, علی رضایی آشنی, Minoo Ghanbarzad
    13th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference and 8th International Congress of Mining and Mining Industries, 2025
  48. "Decreasing ash content of Agh-Darband coal mine sample, using heavy media and shaking table approach"
    Mohsen Chamanat, Seid Mhbod Mosavi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Golnaz Jozanikohan
    12th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2024
  49. "Processing the tailing dam sample from the Tang Zagh mining processing plant"
    Ali Zare, Mohammad Noaparast, Saeed Dehghan
    12th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2024
  50. "Investigating the adsorption and its effects on the wettability of quartz surface using molecular dynamics"
    Shermin Hashemi, Mohammad Noaparast, امیر معبودی
    12th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2024
  51. "Beneficiation of sedimendary ore sample from Koh Lar phosphate deposit, using flotation approach"
    Aisan Ramadi, [] [], Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mahdi Gharabaghi
    12th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2024
  52. "Modeling the residence time distribution of mineral processing equipment using genetic algorithm search method"
    Javad AliBabaii, Mohammad Noaparast, Mohammad Karamouzian
    The first international conference on fundamental research in metallurgical, mechanical and mining engineering, 2023
  53. "Investigation the adsorption of 2-decyl Amin on 001 surface of Quartz and its effects on the surface wettability by using molecular dynamics"
    Shermin Hashemi, Mohammad Noaparast, امیر معبودی
    The first international conference on fundamental research in metallurgical, mechanical and mining engineering, 2023
  54. "Environmental effects caused by flotation and production of lead concentrate"
    Vandad Mohseni, Yasaman Mohtat, علی رضایی آشنی, Mohammad Noaparast
    3rd Iranian Green Conference of Mining and Mining Industries, 2023
  55. "Environmental impacts of gold leaching using cyanide"
    مصطفی محرومی, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Mohammad Noaparast
    3rd Iranian Green Conference of Mining and Mining Industries, 2023
  56. "Separation of molybdenite from chalcopyrite using graphene oxide as a depressant in the flotation"
    Afshin Namiranian, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    11th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference and 7th International Mine & Mining Industries Congress, 2023
  57. "Study on the odsorption of graphene oxide on the chalcopyrite to separate molybdenite from chalcopyrite"
    Afshin Namiranian, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    The 41th National Geosciences Congress, 2023
  58. "Investigation of graphene oxide depressing process of chalcopyrite in molybdenite flotation"
    Afshin Namiranian, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    The 3rd Iranian Mining Technologies Conference, 2022
  59. "A molecular dynamics study on coating of hydrophilic quartz (001) surface with hydrophobic graphene nanoparticles and its effects on the wettability behavior of quartz surface"
    Shermin Hashemi, Mohammad Noaparast, امیر معبودی
    The 3rd International Conference on Metallurgy, Mechanics and Mining, 2022
  60. "Removing lead and cobalt metals from synthetic solutions by expanded perlite"
    وحیده سادات شعیبی, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi, زهره برومند
    39th National Congress and 4th International Congress of Earth Science, 2021
  61. "Detection of gold phases in Dare Zereshk copper ores using diagnostic leaching method"
    Ali Reza Lotfi, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Mahdi Ostadrahimi
    9th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference and 6th International Mine & Mining Industries Congress, 2021
  62. "evaluation of the effect of pH parameter and Number of g steps on the removal of PZ5110/MI waste inmpurities containing Zirconium by controlled acid washing Method"
    Mir Mohammad Hashemi, Mohammad Noaparast, Kamal Saberyan
    7th National Congress on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Iran emphaszing Iranian Native Technologies, 2020
  63. "Investigation of copper oxide ore processing of Khoy Abati Mine by leaching method"
    Negar Mehrabani, Mohammad Noaparast, Ali Fateminia
    8th Iranian Mining Engineering Coference, 2020
  64. "Investigation of filtration process from tailings of iron processing plant by Vacuum Side-Feed Leaf (VSFL) labratory methods"
    Hasan Momghaderi, Shadi Aghababaei, Mahdi Gharabaghi, Mohammad Noaparast
    8th Iranian Mining Engineering Coference, 2020
  65. "Optimization of effective parameters in leaching of the most important oxide source containing nickel and cobalt using Design Expert 7 software"
    Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi
    8th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2020
  66. "Evaluation of the NaCl role in laterite chemical leaching using organic and inorganic acids"
    Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi
    8th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2020
  67. "Comparison of bio-sulfuric acid with bioorganic acid as a solubilizing agent of nickel and cobalt from iron-rich laterites"
    Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi
    8th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2020
  68. "The study on the effect of integrated ore processing method of Mehdiabad ore deposit on the environmental impacts reduction"
    Aisan Ramadi, Mohammad Noaparast
    The 2nd Iranian Conference of Green Mining & Mine Industry, 2019
  69. "Circuit Analysis: A key specification to design complex ores separation design"
    Vahid Radmehr, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi
    7th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference and 5th International Mine & Mining Industries Congress, 2018
  70. "A fuzzy expert control system for autogenous and semi-autogenous grinding circuits"
    Mehdi Hadizadeh, Akbar Farzanegan, Mohammad Noaparast
    7th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference and 5th International Mine & Mining Industries Congress, 2018
  71. "The discrepancy of Physical separation and flotation approaches results, using Tailing sample from Dandi concentration plant"
    Firooz Esmaeili, Mohammad Noaparast, Mohammad Kolah Douzan
    2nd International Conference on Mining Eng & Geo Scieneces, 2017
  72. "Upgrading Tailing from Dandi concenration plant"
    Firooz Esmaeili, Mohammad Noaparast, Mohammad Kolahdoozan
    2nd International Conference on Mining Eng & Geo Scieneces, 2017
  73. "DEM simulation of banana screens and design parameters on a laboratory scale"
    Tahere Asadi, محمد جهانی , Akbar Farzanegan, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    35th National GSI Conference, 2017
  74. "Investigate of parameters effecting the filtration of Iron processing plant tailings whit pressure filtration method"
    Hassan Mamghaderi, Mahdi Gharabaghi, Mohammad Noaparast, [] []
    Mineral processing Seminar, 2016
  75. "Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Ball and Mill Diameter on the Comminution Performance and Product Size Distribution in SAG Mills of Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex"
    Mohammad Razani, Abolfazl Masoumi, Masoud Rezaeizadeh, Mohammad Noaparast
    4th International Mine & Mining Industries Congress & 6th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2016
  76. "Characterization studies of the low grade copper ore of Ghale Zari"
    Shermin Hashemi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    4th International Mine & Mining Industries Congress & 6th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2016
  77. "Investigation of Effective Parameters on Copper Recovery in Flotation of Smelting Slags from Bardaskan Area"
    Mostafa Shamsi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mahdi Gharabaghi
    4th International Mine & Mining Industries Congress & 6th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2016
  78. "Model-Based Fuzzy Controller for SAG Mill Grinding Circuits"
    Mahdi Hadizadeh, Akbar Farzanegan, Mohammad Noaparast
    4th International Mine & Mining Industries Congress & 6th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2016
  79. "Study on the flotation process using low grade Gale Zari copper sample"
    Shermin Hashemi, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Minoo Ghanbarzad
    34th symposium and 2nd international conress of earth science, 2016
  80. "Evaluation of flotation circuit arrangement with integrated linear circuit analysis and signal flow graph, Case study: Qaleh Zari copper plant"
    Hadi Amiri, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi
    1st International Conference on Mining, metals and Materials Eng.,, 2015
  81. "Optimization of important factors of water recycling in Bija Iron Mine"
    Hassan Mamghaderi, Mahdi Gharabaghi, Mohammad Noaparast
    1st National Conference of Water Resources Quality and Sustainable Development, 2015
  82. "Work index and degree of freedom effect on copper recovery"
    Mostafa Shamsi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mahdi Gharabaghi
    33 rd National Geosience Symposium, 2015
  83. "Copeer Smelter Slage recycling by Flotation and decreasin its environmental impacts"
    Mostafa Shamsi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mahdi Gharabaghi
    Second National Conference on chemistry and Geoscience, 2015
  84. "Studying on the Mineralzation of the hamzeh-Ghornin gold ore sample"
    Yar Aziz Olyei, Fatolah Mosavery, احمد امینی, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    22nd Conference on the Crystalization and Mineralzation of Iran, Shiraz University, 2015
  85. "Optimization of the reagent dosage used in the flotation o f Meiduk copper ore by statistical design"
    Yaser Moazemi, Mohammad Noaparast, Mahdi Gharabaghi
    5th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2014
  86. "Effects of PH condition and collector type parameters on carbonated phosphate ore flotation"
    Aisan Ramadi, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mahdi Gharabaghi, میثم سلسله , Bahram Jadidi, Minoo Ghanbar zad
    5th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2014
  87. "Increasing of separation factor of Lanthanides by solvent extraction using TBP extractant"
    Mostafa Shamsi, Mohammad Noaparast, Mahdi Gharabaghi
    5th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2014
  88. "estimation of sample weight in mineral processing using Gy method"
    Mostafa Shamsi, Mohammad Noaparast, Mahdi Gharabaghi
    First national sympusium on the application of mathematic in the earth science, 2014
  89. "Leaching of zinc using Tiobasilus ferrooxidan"
    Mostafa Shamsi, Mohammad Noaparast, Ehsan Farahbakhsh
    1st International conference on Mining, Mineral Processing, Metallurgical and Environmental Engineering, 2013
  90. "Problems of Sarcheshmeh Thickeners and relevant modifying approaches"
    مجید یونسی, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, اسماعیل جرجانی, Aisan Ramadi
    1st conference on Mining, Mineral Processing, Metallurgical and Environmental Engineering, 2013
  91. "Optimization of Chemical Reagents in Flotation using NSGA-II Algorithm"
    Vahid Ramezanzadeh, Akbar Farzanegan, Mohammad Noaparast, Mahdi Gharabaghi, علی قربانی
    The First International Conference on Mining, Mineral Processing, Metallurgical and Environmental Engineering, 2013
  92. "The quality of input and output water, in Sarcheshmeh copper mine"
    سجاد جان نثار ملکوتی, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani, Esmail soleymani, حسین سعدلو
    4thIran Mining Conference, 2012
  93. "optimization of effective parameters to increase the jig recovery in central alborz coal washing"
    Mohammad Noaparast, سید محمود مهدی زاده, آیسان رمادی, مجید یونسی
    16th Confernce on Environment and Mineral Processing, 2012
  94. "mass"
    هادی عبدالهی, زهرا منافی, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, زهره برومند
    GRIR, 2012
  95. "Studying on the effective parameters of low-grade manganese leaching"
    Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, داریوش عزیزی, Mohammad Noaparast, علیرضا جبین پور
    39th Earth science Conference, 2012
  96. "wrw"
    Khosrow Bagheri Noaparast, Mohammad Noaparast
    wer, 2011
  97. "Concentration of Parsa sedimentary phosphate ...."
    محمد کیان ارثی, Mohammad Noaparast, احمد امینی
    International Cogress of Mining 1389, 2010
  98. "Determination of breakage and selection functions alluvial iron ore using Excel"
    قربان ارجمند, Akbar Farzanegan, Mohammad Noaparast
    International Mining Congress 2010, 2010
  99. "Study on the Bioleach of the sphalerit ore (Pb-Zn-Fe), using mix of mesophil bacteria"
    رضا دهقان, Mohammad Noaparast, Mohammad Kolah Douzan, سیدمحمد موسوی, جواد وظیفه مهربانی, Golnaz Jozanikohan
    3rd Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2010
  100. "Study on the efficiency of Seh-Chahoon autogenous mill circuit, using SPI Index"
    جواد دهقانی فیروزابادی, علی دهقانی, Mohammad Noaparast, محسن کریمی
    3rd Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2010
  101. "Study on the effects of Mn+2 and Mg+2 cations on the Anoinic flotation of Chadormalu ore sample"
    حسین اصلی, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, Mohammad Noaparast, امیر معبودی
    3rd Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2010
  102. "Developing of the combined atmosphoric leaching and SX processes to extarct zinc from low grade concentrate of Mehdiabad lead-zinc mine"
    رضا دهقان, Mohammad Noaparast, Mohammad Kolah Douzan
    3rd Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2010
  103. "Removing of Iron from Mehran-Abadeh Ball clay ore sample, using magnetic separartor"
    امین استوار, Mohammad Noaparast, علی قربانی
    3rd Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2010
  104. "The effect of Fe+2 cation increase on the Bioleaching of the sample from Sarcheshmeh Heap1, using mesophil bacteria"
    علی زرین پور, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, زهرا منافی
    3rd Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2010
  105. "Optimizing of flotation chemicals distribution in Alborz-Markazi coal washing plant"
    مجید یونسی, بهرام رضایی, Mohammad Noaparast, سیدمحمود مهدی زاده
    3rd Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2010
  106. "Optimizing of Ball size in Ball Mills in Meyduk copper processing plant"
    علی اصغر محمدزاده, علی دهقانی, Mohammad Noaparast, محمود حکمتی
    3rd Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2010
  107. "Modeling and optimization of power consumption of SAG mill of Sarcheshmeh Number 2 Concentration Plant"
    Mohammad Noaparast, محمد جهانی, Akbar Farzanegan, غلامرضا لنگری زاده
    3d Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2010
  108. "technical & Environmental Optimizing of effective parameters on the Cynidation Process"
    پویا کریمی, هادی عبدالهی, احمد امینی, Mohammad Noaparast
    7th conference of Iranian Mining Enginnering Univrsities sudents, 2009
  109. "Study on the grinding circuit of Meyduk copper processing plantl"
    علی اصغر محمدراده, Mohammad Noaparast, علی دهقانی, محمود حکمتی
    7th Conference of Irania Mining Engineering Universities Students, 2009
  110. "Application of Oxalic Acid for iron removal from Silica Sand Used in Glass Industry"
    Mohammad Noaparast, حامد حقی
    8th conference on the safety, health and environments of mines and mineral industries, 2008
  111. "Evaluating of setting environmental management in Kuh-Lar Phosphate"
    Mahdi Gharabaghi, Mohammad Noaparast
    8th conference on the safety, health and environments of mines and mineral industries, 2008
  112. "Study on the removing of iron from silica used in Glass industry"
    Mohammad Noaparast, حامد حقی
    2nd Iranian Minign Engineering Conference, 2008
  113. "Removing iron from Silica of Zonooz Tailing using agitation leaching method"
    Mahdi Gharabaghi, مهدی ایران نژاد, Mohammad Noaparast
    2nd Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2008
  114. "Processing of Chagareh low grade oxidized-sulfide sample"
    اویشن عطرفی, هایده حجت الاسلامی, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni
    2nd Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2008
  115. "Simulation of Ball milss of Meyduk Plant product"
    علی اصغر محمدزاده, Mohammad Noaparast, علی دهقانی, خداکرم غریبی
    2nd Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2008
  116. "study on the effective parameters of ....."
    کاوه دارابی, اسماعیل جرجانی, سعید علمدار میلانی, Mohammad Noaparast
    2nd Iranian Mining Engineering, 2008
  117. "Hydrometallurgical Processing of low grade Koh-E-Lar Phosphate using experimental design approach"
    محسن محمد خانی, رضا دهقان, Mohammad Noaparast, احمد امینی
    2nd Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2008
  118. "Optimized of mixing coals with different properties to recover by flotation"
    Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, محمد کر, امیر شعبانی, زهرا ابهری, Mohammad Noaparast
    2nd Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2008
  119. "Recovery of coal from Anjir-Tangeh coal washing plant's tailig"
    سجاد جان نثار ملکوتی, امین جودکی, Mohammad Noaparast, Sead Zia Aldin Shafahi Tonkaboni, علی قربانی
    2nd Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2008
  120. "Study on the Atmosphoric leaching of low grade sphalerite kinetics and mechanism using experiments design approach"
    Mohammad Noaparast, رضا دهقان, Mohammad Kolah Douzan, علی قربانی
    2nd Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, 2008
  121. "Modeling of Material Flow in Recycling of Aluminum Alloys using Various Techniques"
    Mohammad Noaparast, Manouchehr Oliyazadeh Khorakchi, حمید اکبری
    National Aluminum Industry Conference, 2004
  122. "Recycling of Aluminum and its effect on the Stable Development"
    Mohammad Noaparast, Manouchehr Oliyazadeh Khorakchi, حمید اکبری
    National Aluminum Industry Conference, 2004
  123. "Modeling of material flow in Aluminum Alloys Recycling Processes using various Techniques"
    Mohammad Noaparast, منوجهر اولیآزاده , حمید اکبری
    National Aluminum Industry Conference, 2004
  124. "Processing of Tunnel 6 sample from Qaleh-Zari Copper Mine"
    ایمان سرمدی, علی قربانی, Mohammad Noaparast, Manouchehr Oliyazadeh Khorakchi
    1st Iranian Mineral Processing Conference, 2004
  125. "Deinking and recovery of papers by flotation"
    یوسف قربانی, Mohammad Noaparast, علی قربانی
    1th Iranian Mineral Processing Conference, 2004
  126. "Optimizing of effective parameters on the Torghabeh Gold ore recovery using Cynidation Method"
    رحمان احمدی, Manouchehr Oliyazadeh Khorakchi, Mohammad Noaparast
    Iranian Mineral Processing Conference, 2004
  127. "Comparions of Cynidation MNethods with Direct Pyrometallurgy to Extract Goild from Refractory Gold Ores"
    عقیل اجاقی, Manouchehr Oliyazadeh Khorakchi, محمد حسین دره بیدی, احمد امینی, Mohammad Noaparast
    8th Metallurgy Engneers Conference, 2004