Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh


Update: 2025-03-05

Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh

College of Engineering / Mining Engineering

Journal Paper

  1. "Application of magnetic and gravity methods to the exploration of sulfate deposits, case study: Garmab mine, Semnan,Iran"
    [] [], Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Ali Moradzadeh, Mohammad Ali Riahi
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 159, No 18, pp.586-596, 2018
  2. "A deposit scale mineral prospectivity analysis: A comparison of various knowledge-driven approaches for porphyry copper tageting in Seridun, IRAN"
    Maysam Abedi, Seyyed Bagher Mostafavi Kashani, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Mahyar Yousefi
    JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCES, Vol. 25, No 4, pp.1-20, 2016
  3. "Quantitative analysis of the clay mineral in Shurijeh Reservoir Formation using combined X-ray anatyical techniques"
    گلناز جوزانی کهن , Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Ferydoun Sahabi, Hossein Memarian, Behzad Moshiri
    Russian Geology and Geophysics, Vol. 2, No 57, pp.1048-1063, 2016
  4. "A general framework of TOPSIS method for integration of airborn geophysics, satellite, geochemical and geological data"
    Maysam Abedi, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol. 46, No 1, pp.31-44, 2016
  5. "Thermal Analysis: A Complementary Method to Study the Shurijeh Clay Minerals"
    Golnaz Jozanikohan, Majid Shahabi, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Hossein Memarian
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 49, No 1, pp.131-142, 2015
  6. "Thermal Analysis: A copmlementary method to study the Shurijeh Clay Minerals"
    Golnaz Jozanikohan, Ferydoun Sahabi, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Hossein Memarian
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 49, No 1, pp.33-45, 2015
  7. "Comparison of derivative-based methods by normalized standard deviation approach for edge detection of gravity anomalies"
    Meysam Abedi, Afshar A.., Vahid Ebrahimzadeh Ardestani, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 40, No 3, pp.13-21, 2014
  8. "Proposing New Methods to Enhance the Low-Resolution Simulated GPR Responses in The Frequency and Wavelet Domains"
    نادر فتحیان پور, Reza Ahmadi, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, Vol. 48, No 2, pp.159-172, 2014
  9. "The application of multilayer perceptron neural network in volume of clay estimation: case study of Shurijeh gas reservoir, Northeastern Iran"
    Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Golnaz Jozanikohan, Ferydoun Sahabi, Hossein Memarian, Behzad Moshiri
    Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Vol. 22, No 12, pp.119-131, 2014
  10. "Mineral potential mapping in Central Iran using fuzzy ordered weighted averaging method"
    Maysam Abedi, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Nader Fathianpour
    GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING, Vol. 63, No 2, 2014
  11. "Detecting physical and geometrical parameters of some common geotechnical targets through their effects on GPR responses"
    Reza Ahmadi, نادر فتحیان پور, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 8, No 2, pp.52-65, 2014
  12. "Collocated cokriging of iron deposit based on a model of magnetic susceptibility: a case study in Morvarid mine, Iran"
    Meysam Abedi, Omid Asghari, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 7, No 7, pp.1-11, 2014
  13. "Geological structure imaging from airborne electromagnetic and magnetic data, a case study in Kalat-e-Reshm area, Iran"
    Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Meysam Abedi, Ali Gholami, نادر فتحیان پور
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 21, No 3, pp.20-31, 2013
  14. "Application of fuzzy AHP method to integrate geophysical data in a prospect scale, aase study: Seridune copper deposit"
    میثم عابدی, Seyed Ali Torabi, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, Vol. 54, No 2, pp.162-145, 2013
  15. "Fuzzy outranking approach : A knowledge - driven method for mineral prospectivity mapping"
    Maysam Abedi , Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Nader Fathianpour
    International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol. 25, No 15, pp.32-44, 2013
  16. "Integration of various geophysical data with geological and geochemical data to determine additional drilling for copper exploration"
    Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, میثم عابدی
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 83, No 2, pp.35-45, 2012
  17. "Comparison of electrical image log with core in a fractured carbonate reservoir"
    Farhad Khoshbakht , Mehran Azizzade , Hossein Memarian, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Seyed Ali Moalemi
    Geoenergy Sicence and Engineering, Vol. 86-87, No 2, pp.289-296, 2012
  18. "Amplitude Versus Offset ( AVOTechnique for Light Hydrocarbon Exploration:A Case Study )"
    Roohollah Parvizi , Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Fereydoun Sahabi
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 45, No 1, pp.81-86, 2011
  19. "Identification 0f Clay Minerals Using Cation Exchange Capacity in Shurijeh Sandstone Reservoir"
    Mohammad Ali Sarparande, Behzad Mehrgini, Amir Mollajan, Ferydoun Sahabi, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Golnaz Jozanikohan
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 24, No 95, pp.231-238, 2015
  20. "Evaluation of Clay Content of Shurijeh Reservoir Formation Using Core Analysis in Gonbadli Gas Field"
    Golnaz Jozanikohan, Ferydoun Sahabi, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Hossein Memarian
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 24, No 95, pp.239-252, 2015
  21. "Estimation of collapse zones in a wellbore of Gonbadli gas field using of CEC"
    بهزاد مهرگینی , مسعود سرپرست, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Ferydoun Sahabi, Hossein Memarian
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 9, No 24, pp.57-63, 2014
  22. "Petrophysical relationships for estimation of clay volume in Shurijeh reservoir formation"
    Golnaz Jozanikohan, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Ferydoun Sahabi, Hossein Memarian
    Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. 9, No 24, pp.65-75, 2014
  23. "Improving Ground Penetrating Radar(GPR) forward modeling approach using the numerical finite diffrence method"
    Mohammad Reza Ahmadi, نادر فتحیان پور, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 8, No 3, pp.114-130, 2014
  24. "The application of the local wavenumber for depth estimation of magnetic data,case study:Siriz Iron Mine"
    Moslem Fatehi, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, علی دباغ
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 8, No 1, pp.44-33, 2014
  25. "Depth detection of magnetic bodies by using the analytic signal derivative"
    Moslem Fatehi, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Fatemeh Hajiei
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 7, No 4, pp.52-63, 2014
  26. "Application of improved local phase filter for edge detection of magnetic anomalies,A case study: Tighe Now Ab iron deposit(Birjand)"
    مسلم فاتحی, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Meysam Abedi
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 39, No 3, pp.207-219, 2013
  27. "تحلیل AVO روی مخزن ماسه سنگی غار در میدان ابوذر واقع در شمال غرب خلیج فارس"
    هادی حاجی جمهوری , محمد علی ریاحی , Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, امیر شمسا
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 37, No 4, pp.29-41, 2012
  28. "Improving porosity estimation by combining neural network and collocated cokriging methods in Bilal field"
    Asaad Fegh, علی حمیدی حبیب, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Mohammad Ali Riahi
    journal of expoduction oil and gas, Vol. 1, No 83, pp.40-44, 2011
  29. "Interpretation of magnetic anomaly...."
    میثم عابدی , احمد افشار , اردستانی , Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. -, No 2, 2011
  30. "method"
    میثم عابدی , احمد افشار , Vahid Ebrahimzadeh Ardestani, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Caro Lucas
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 4, No 1, pp.72-83, 2010
  31. "منطقه بندی دو مخزن نفتی ایران بر اساس داده های چاه نگاری و استفاده از روش آماری"
    محمد حمیلی نژاد , مصطفی رضایی , علی نسیمی , Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 34, No 3, pp.43-56, 2009
  32. "تحلیل و مدلسازی داده های ژئوفیزیکی ( MRsIP در محل اندیس معدنی مس سوناجیل"
    سعید غلامی , Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    University, Vol. 39, No 2, pp.253-265, 2005
  33. "طراحی بهینه برداشتهای مغناطیسی با توجه به اثر فاصله گیرنده نسبت به ساختار مدفون"
    Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    University, Vol. 36, No 3, pp.449-457, 2002
  34. "عملیات مغناطیس سنجی کانسار تیتانیوم - فسفات قره آغاج ارومیه"
    مهدی زمردیان , Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    University, Vol. 36, No 3, pp.459-466, 2002
  35. "مدلسازی آنومالیهای مولفه قائم مغناطیسی چند شکل ساده هندسی"
    Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    Amirkabir (Journal of Science and Technology), Vol. 11, No 42, pp.178-187, 2000
  36. "کاربرد مغناطیس در اکتشاف زمین گرمابهای سرعین ( اردبیل )"
    سیدرضا مهرنیا , Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    University, Vol. 1, No 31, pp.71-81, 1998
  37. "طراحی بهینه شبکه برداشت در مطالعات مغناطیسی"
    Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    University, Vol. -, No 60, pp.41-51, 1997
  38. "مدلسازی و تفسیر یکی از آنومالیهای مغناطیسی منطقه اکتشافی ساغند یزد"
    Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    University, Vol. -, No 56, pp.57-62, 1732

Conference Paper

  1. "Cement identification in Shurijeh reservoir formation using scanning electron microscope(SEM) and polarization microscope studies"
    Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Golnaz Jozanikohan, Ferydoun Sahabi, Hamed Aujani
    32 National & first International Geosciences Congress, 2014
  2. "Quntitative evalution of clay minerals in Shurijeh formation using X-Ray diffraction(XRD) analysis and X-Ray fluorescence (XRF)"
    Golnaz Jozanikohan, Ferydoun Sahabi, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Hamed Aujani
    32 National & first International Geosciences Congress, 2014
  3. "Clay minerals identification in Shurijeh shaly sand formation using thermal analysis(DTA-TGA)"
    Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Golnaz Jozanikohan, Ferydoun Sahabi
    32 National & first International Geosciences Congress, 2014
  4. "Petrophysical estimation of volume of clay in D1 and C2 subdivisions of Shurijeh formation, a case study from one of eastern Kopet-Dagh basin field"
    Golnaz Jozanikohan, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Hamed Aujani, Ferydoun Sahabi
    32 National & first International Geosciences Congress, 2014
  5. "D Inversion of Gravity Data using Kokriging Equations"
    [] [], Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Ali Moradzadeh, Mohammad Ali Riahi
    36th summit and 3rd International Earth Scienc's Professional Congress, 2018
  6. "Estimation of iron deposit based on the 3D model of magnetic susceptibility and borehole data, Case study: Baidar Iron Deposit"
    A T, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, [] []
    The 36 national and the 3 International Geoscinces Congress, 2018
  7. "The 3D constrained inversion of magnetic data, case study: Baidar Iron Deposit,Kurdestan Provance,Iran"
    [] [], Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, A T
    The 36 national and the 3 International Geoscinces Congress, 2018
  8. "Establishing Geothermal Units in Kangan and Dalan formations using logging data"
    Pouria Amani, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Muhammad Ali Agigi, Ali Kadkhodaei
    17e Geophysical Conference of Iran, 2016
  9. "Subsurface geochemistry of different subunits of the Surijeh Formation in an Eastern Kope-Dagh gas field"
    Golnaz Jozanikohan, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Ferydoun Sahabi, Hossein Memarian, Hamed Aujani
    18 geological conference of Iran, 2014
  10. "The log and volume of clay principal analysis (PCA) of Shurijeh reservoir, east of Kppet-Dagh basin"
    Golnaz Jozanikohan, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Hossein Memarian, Ferydoun Sahabi, Hamed Aujani
    First Conference on Mathematics Application in Earth Sciences, 2014
  11. "Application of magnetometery, electrical resistivity and induced polarization for exploration of Iron and copper skarn deposits, a case study: Ghalandar, Ahar"
    Saeed Kazem Alilou, Meysam Abedi, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani
    1st National Conference on Exploration Engineering of Underground Resources, 2013
  12. "mas"
    میثم سلیمی دلشاد, اصغر نادری, Omid Asghari, Gholam Hosein Nourouzi Baghkemeh
    conference, 2012