رضا قزلباش


تاریخ به‌روزرسانی: 1403/12/15

رضا قزلباش

دانشکدگان ‌فنی / دانشکده مهندسی‌ معدن‌

مقالات علمی چاپ شده در مجلات

  1. "Optimized AI-MPM: Application of PSO for tuning the hyperparameters of SVM and RF algorithms"
    Mehrdad Daviran, Abbas Maghsoudi, GHezelbash Reza
    COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES, Vol. 195, 2025
  2. "Density based spatial clustering of applications with noise and fuzzy C-means algorithms for unsupervised mineral prospectivity mapping"
    GHezelbash Reza, Mehrdad Daviran, Abbas Maghsoudi, Mahsa Hajihosseinlou
    Earth Science Informatics, Vol. 18, No 2, 2025
  3. "A Novel Framework for Optimizing the Prediction of Areas Favorable to Porphyry-Cu Mineralization: Combination of Ant Colony and Grid Search Optimization Algorithms with Support Vector Machines"
    Sarina Akbari, Hamidreza Ramazi, GHezelbash Reza
    Natural Resources Research, Vol. -, 2025
  4. "Uncertainty quantification in genetic algorithm-optimized artificial intelligence-based mineral prospectivity models: automated hyperparameter tuning for support vector machines and random forest"
    Mehrdad Daviran, GHezelbash Reza, Mahsa Hajihosseinlou, Abbas Maghsoudi
    Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, Vol. 11, 2024
  5. "Spatial multi-criteria approaches for estimating geogenic radon hazard index"
    Iman Masoumi, Sabrina Maggio, Sandra De Iaco, GHezelbash Reza
  6. "Geochemical Anomaly Detection and Pattern Recognition: A Combined Study of the Apriori Algorithm, Principal Component Analysis, and Spectral Clustering"
    Mahsa Hajihosseinlou, Abbas Maghsoudi, GHezelbash Reza
    Minerals, Vol. 14, No 12, 2024
  7. "Regularization in machine learning models for MVT Pb-Zn prospectivity mapping: applying lasso and elastic-net algorithms"
    Mahsa Hajihosseinlou, Abbas Maghsoudi, GHezelbash Reza
    Earth Science Informatics, Vol. -, pp.1-15, 2024
  8. "Stacking: A novel data-driven ensemble machine learning strategy for prediction and mapping of Pb-Zn prospectivity in Varcheh district, west Iran"
    Mahsa Hajihosseinlou, Abbas Maghsoudi, GHezelbash Reza
  9. "Intelligent mapping of geochemical anomalies: Adaptation of DBSCAN and mean-shift clustering approaches"
    Mahsa Hajihosseinlou, Abbas Maghsoudi, GHezelbash Reza
  10. "A comprehensive evaluation of OPTICS, GMM and K-means clustering methodologies for geochemical anomaly detection connected with sample catchment basins"
    Mahsa Hajihosseinlou, Abbas Maghsoudi, GHezelbash Reza
    Geochemistry-Chemie der Erde, Vol. 84, No 2, 2024
  11. "A data-driven VIKOR procedure for predictive modeling of porphyry copper prospectivity in SE Iran"
    Sarina Akbari, Hamidreza Ramazi, GHezelbash Reza
  12. "Developing a spatio-temporal interactions model for car crashes using a novel data-driven AHP-TOPSIS"
    Somaye Ghezelbash, GHezelbash Reza, Mohsen Kalantari
    APPLIED GEOGRAPHY, Vol. 162, No 1, 2024
  13. "A comparative study of the XGBoost ensemble learning and multilayer perceptron in mineral prospectivity modeling: a case study of the Torud-Chahshirin belt, NE Iran"
    Amirreza Bigdeli, Abbas Maghsoudi, GHezelbash Reza
    Earth Science Informatics, Vol. 1, No 1, 2023
  14. "Recognizing Geochemical Anomalies Associated with Mineral Resources Using Singularity Analysis and Random Forest Models in the Torud-Chahshirin Belt, Northeast Iran"
    Amirreza Bigdeli, Abbas Maghsoudi, GHezelbash Reza
    Minerals, Vol. 13, No 11, 2023
  15. "GWOKM: A novel hybrid optimization algorithm for geochemical anomaly detection based on Grey wolf optimizer and K-means clustering"
    Mehrdad Daviran, GHezelbash Reza, Abbas Maghsoudi
    Geochemistry-Chemie der Erde, Vol. 1, No 1, 2023
  16. "A Novel Scheme for Mapping of MVT-Type Pb–Zn Prospectivity: LightGBM, a Highly Efficient Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Machine Learning Algorithm"
    Mahsa Hajihosseinlou, Abbas Maghsoudi, GHezelbash Reza
    Natural Resources Research, Vol. 32, No 6, pp.2417-2438, 2023
  17. "Hybridizing K-means clustering algorithm with harmony search and artificial bee colony optimizers for intelligence mineral prospectivity mapping"
    Mehrdad Daviran, GHezelbash Reza, Mohammad Niknezhad, Abbas Maghsoudi, Hesam Ghaeminejad
    Earth Science Informatics, Vol. 16, No 3, pp.2143-2165, 2023
  18. "Using fractal and multifractal methods to reveal geophysical anomalies in Sardouyeh District, Kerman, Iran"
    Sarina Akbari, Hamidreza Ramazi, GHezelbash Reza
    Earth Science Informatics, Vol. 16, No 3, pp.2125-2142, 2023
  19. "Incorporating the genetic and firefly optimization algorithms into K-means clustering method for detection of porphyry and skarn Cu-related geochemical footprints in Baft district, Kerman, Iran"
    GHezelbash Reza, Mehrdad Daviran, Abbas Maghsoudi, Hesam Ghaeminejad, Mohammad Niknezhad
    APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY, Vol. 148, No 1, 2023
  20. "Landslide susceptibility prediction using artificial neural networks, SVMs and random forest: hyperparameters tuning by genetic optimization algorithm"
    Mehrdad Daviran, Mehdi Shamekhi, GHezelbash Reza, Abbas Maghsoudi
    International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 20, No 1, pp.259-276, 2022
  21. "Genetic algorithm to optimize the SVM and K-means algorithms for mapping of mineral prospectivity"
    GHezelbash Reza, Abbas Maghsoudi, Mehdi Shamekhi, Biswajeet Pradhan, Mehrdad Daviran
    NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS, Vol. 35, No 1, pp.719-733, 2022
  22. "Quantifying Uncertainties Linked to the Diversity of Mathematical Frameworks in Knowledge-Driven Mineral Prospectivity Mapping"
    Mehrdad Daviran, Mohammad Parsa, Abbas Maghsoudi, GHezelbash Reza
    Natural Resources Research, Vol. 31, No 5, pp.2271-2287, 2022
  23. "Application of self-organizing map (SOM) and K-means clustering algorithms for portraying geochemical anomaly patterns in Moalleman district, NE Iran"
    Amirreza Bigdeli, Abbas Maghsoudi, GHezelbash Reza
  24. "Regional-Scale Mineral Prospectivity Mapping: Support Vector Machines and an Improved Data-Driven Multi-criteria Decision-Making Technique"
    GHezelbash Reza, Abbas Maghsoudi, Amirreza Bigdeli, Emmanuel John M. Carranza
    Natural Resources Research, Vol. 30, No 3, pp.1977-2005, 2021
  25. "A new strategy for spatial predictive mapping of mineral prospectivity: Automated hyperparameter tuning of random forest approach"
    Mehrdad Daviran, Abbas Maghsoudi, GHezelbash Reza, Biswajeet Pradhan
    COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES, Vol. 148, No 1, 2021
  26. "Comparison between the geochemical response of BLEG and fine fraction stream sediments to mineralization in the Eastern Black Sea region, Turkey"
    Huseyin Yilmaz, GHezelbash Reza, David R. Cohen, Ramazan Sari, Fatma Nuran Sonmez, Abbas Maghsoudi
  27. "Geoelectrical integrated models for determining the geometry of karstic cavities in the Zarrinabad area, west of Iran: combination of fuzzy logic, C-A fractal model and hybrid AHP-TOPSIS procedure"
    Sarina Akbari, Hamidreza Ramazi, GHezelbash Reza, Abbas Maghsoudi
    CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES, Vol. 35, No 2, 2020
  28. "Sensitivity analysis of prospectivity modeling to evidence maps: Enhancing success of targeting for epithermal gold, Takab district, NW Iran"
    GHezelbash Reza, Abbas Maghsoudi, Emmanuel John M. Carranza
    ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, Vol. 120, No 1, 2020
  29. "Optimization of geochemical anomaly detection using a novel genetic K-means clustering (GKMC) algorithm"
    GHezelbash Reza, Abbas Maghsoudi, Emmanuel John M. Carranza
    COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES, Vol. 134, No 1, 2020
  30. "Assessment of Various Fuzzy c-Mean Clustering Validation Indices for Mapping Mineral Prospectivity: Combination of Multifractal Geochemical Model and Mineralization Processes"
    Mehrdad Daviran, Abbas Maghsoudi, David R. Cohen, GHezelbash Reza, Huseyin Yilmaz
    Natural Resources Research, Vol. 29, No 1, pp.229-246, 2019
  31. "Developing a fractal model for spatial mapping of crime hotspots"
    Mohsen Kalantari, Somaye Ghezelbash, GHezelbash Reza, Bamshad Yaghmaei
    European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, Vol. 26, No 4, pp.571-591, 2019
  32. "Incorporation of principal component analysis, geostatistical interpolation approaches and frequency-space-based models for portraying the Cu-Au geochemical prospects in the Feizabad district, NW Iran"
    GHezelbash Reza, Abbas Maghsoudi, Mehrdad Daviran, Huseyin Yilmaz
    Geochemistry-Chemie der Erde, Vol. 79, No 2, pp.323-336, 2019
  33. "Mapping of single- and multi-element geochemical indicators based on catchment basin analysis: Application of fractal method and unsupervised clustering models"
    GHezelbash Reza, Abbas Maghsoudi, Emmanuel John M. Carranza
    JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION, Vol. 199, No 1, pp.90-104, 2019
  34. "Combination of multifractal geostatistical interpolation and spectrum–area (S–A) fractal model for Cu–Au geochemical prospects in Feizabad district, NE Iran"
    GHezelbash Reza, Abbas Maghsoudi, Emmanuel John M. Carranza
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 12, No 5, 2019
  35. "Performance evaluation of RBF- and SVM-based machine learning algorithms for predictive mineral prospectivity modeling: integration of S-A multifractal model and mineralization controls"
    GHezelbash Reza, Abbas Maghsoudi, Emmanuel John M. Carranza
    Earth Science Informatics, Vol. 12, No 3, pp.277-293, 2019
  36. "An Improved Data-Driven Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Procedure for Spatial Modeling of Mineral Prospectivity: Adaption of Prediction–Area Plot and Logistic Functions"
    GHezelbash Reza, Abbas Maghsoudi, Emmanuel John M. Carranza
    Natural Resources Research, Vol. 28, No 4, pp.1299-1316, 2019
  37. "Prospectivity modeling of porphyry copper deposits: recognition of efficient mono- and multi-element geochemical signatures in the Varzaghan district, NW Iran"
    GHezelbash Reza, Abbas Maghsoudi, Mehrdad Davarian
    Acta Geochimica, Vol. 38, No 1, pp.131-144, 2018
  38. "A hybrid AHP-VIKOR approach for prospectivity modeling of porphyry Cu deposits in the Varzaghan District, NW Iran"
    GHezelbash Reza, Abbas Maghsoudi
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 11, No 11, 2018
  39. "Comparison of U -spatial statistics and C–A fractal models for delineating anomaly patterns of porphyry-type Cu geochemical signatures in the Varzaghan district, NW Iran"
    GHezelbash Reza, Abbas Maghsoudi
    COMPTES RENDUS GEOSCIENCE, Vol. 350, No 4, pp.180-191, 2018
  40. "Decomposition of anomaly patterns of multi-element geochemical signatures in Ahar area, NW Iran: a comparison of U-spatial statistics and fractal models"
    Mohammad Parsa, Abbas Maghsoudi, GHezelbash Reza
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 9, No 4, 2016